You defined articlesyundefined (definite and indefinite articles) are represented by the articles he, there, them, la, un, ones, unite and some (o, a, os, as, um, um, um, um, in Portuguese).
Articles in Spanish have the function of specifying (definite articles) or generalizing (indefinite articles) something and may or may not be immediately followed by nouns.
However, there are some specific cases where they are not used or are used differently than we use in Portuguese.
defined articles
You definite articles (defined articles, in Spanish), refer to something specific or that was already mentioned in a previous speech.
In the Spanish language, they are represented by he, there, them and la. In Portuguese, they are translated as O, The, you and at.
Male definite articles
Learn about male definite articles in Spanish:
- singular: he (O)
- plural form: them (you)
goose he Oscar for best actor. (Won the Oscar for best actor).
In this case, it is specified in the sentence which was the Oscar won: best actor.
he mobile is new. (The cell phone is new.)
It is assumed that the recipient of the message already knows which cell phone you are talking about, and it is implied that they have already talked about that cell phone.
Pablo is reading a book in Portuguese. he book has a red cubierta. (Pablo is reading a book in Portuguese. The book has a red cover.)
In this case, the idea that the noun (book) has already been mentioned earlier. For this reason, it is already known that the book has a red cover: the book that Pablo is reading, and not just any book.
the llegaron today. (The packages arrived today.)
Implicit in this sentence is the idea that whoever receives this message knows which packages are being talked about.
the fútbol players son muy bien paid. (Football players are paid very well.)
In this case, we are talking specifically about football players, not players in general.
Women's Definite Articles
Discover the feminine definite articles in Spanish:
- singular: there (The)
- plural form: la (at)
There teacher of español llegó delayed. (The Spanish teacher arrived late.)
In this case, we are specifically talking about the Spanish teacher, not a teacher of any other discipline.
las vecinas by Juan llegaron. (Juan's neighbors have arrived.)
The phrase refers to Juan's neighbors and not to an unknown group of neighbors, for example. Thus, you know perfectly well who you are talking about.
Other uses of defined articles
To inform the dates and days of the week
born he March 15, 1982. (I was born on March 15, 1982.)
To indicate a time without having to mention the word "time(s)"
Son la five. (It's five o'clock.)
To mention forms of treatment, except with the word Don (Sun)
he Señor Godines is exhausted. (Mr. Godines is exhausted.)
Faced with country names when any specific reference is made
Many foreigners visit there north italy. (Many foreigners visit Northern Italy.)
When not to use defined articles
To mention the form of treatment "Don"
Don Juan is a brave man. (Don Juan is a brave man.)
In front of people's names
myrtle she is a very nice woman. (Mirta is a very nice woman.)
Faced with possessive adjectives
Mi priest es mi héroe. (My father is my hero.)
indefinite articles
You indefinite articles, (undefined articles, in Spanish) designated indeterminate articles in Spanish, are used when referring to something in general, not specified.
In the Spanish language, they are represented by one, one, one, one. In Portuguese, they are translated as one, one, some, some.
Indefinite male articles
Check below which are the male indefinite articles in Spanish:
- singular: un (a)
- plural form: ones (some)
Hay un Paraguay under the table. (There is an umbrella under the table.)
The sentence mentions any umbrella. It is not mentioned which umbrella, whose, what color, etc.
I went to the cinema with ones friends. (I went to the movies with some friends.)
Some friends, it was not mentioned who the friends are, for example.
Women's indefinite articles
Read the explanations below and learn more about the feminine indefinite articles in Spanish.
- singular: unite (one)
- plural form: some (some)
wanted unite today to get away. (I would like a sheet to take notes on.)
A random sheet and not a specific sheet.
Buy some cervezas for la fiesta. (I bought some beers for the party.)
A few beers, it was not mentioned, for example, which brand.
Observation: singular feminine nouns, whose spelling begins with stressed "a" or "h" followed by stressed "a", must be immediately preceded by the indefinite article un.
If there is an adjective between the article and the noun, the article must agree with the noun, that is, it must also be used in the feminine form.
he seen un here there. (I saw an eagle.)
he seen unite beautiful aquila. (I saw a beautiful eagle.)
Other Uses of Indefinite Articles
To express approximate values or quantities
I live in Brazil ones ocho years. (I have lived in Brazil for about eight years.)
Javier's coach on the coast ones ten thousand euros. (Javier's car costs about ten thousand euros.)
To express the meaning of "some" and "some"
Ellos han bought ones books on the journey. (They bought some books on the trip.)
When not to use indefinite articles
After the verb "to be" immediately followed by profession, nationality or religion
soy ingeniera. (I'm an engineer.)
hel are you Italian. (He is Italian.)
Are Catholics. (We are Catholic.)
In general sense sentences
¿Tienes bolígrafo? (Do you have a pen?)
Neutral article
In Spanish, in addition to definite and indefinite articles, there is also a neutral article (neutral article, in Spanish).
The neutral article it, is used before words that together or separately assume noun function in certain sentences.
Adjective + preposition
the best of all was your happy face. (Best of all was his/her pleased face.)
Adjective + that
you can't imagine it's hard that Are you living in a foreign country?.(You can't even imagine how difficult it is to live in a foreign country.)
Adverb + that
¿Ha visa so fast that pasó el coche? (Did you see how quickly the car went by?)
Participle + that
¡Mira I think that has achieved! (See what feat you've achieved!)
what más impressed me fue tu sensibilidad. (What impressed me most was your sensitivity.)
When not to use neutral article
The article it is not used in front of masculine nouns. In these cases, the male definite article is used he.
El chico you are very handsome. (The boy is very cute.)
Watch the video below with tips for using Spanish definite and indefinite articles.
Do the exercises below and test your knowledge of definite and indefinite articles in Spanish.
1. (UECE/2010) When using the article, the correct expression is:
a) there hot water.
b) the white harina.
c) la honor deserved.
d) el eagle altanera.
Correct alternative: d) el águila altanera.
2. (UECE/2005)
the labor1 to reduce the hambre in the world has been useless and the current levels of malnutrition are “intolerable”, I have recently considered the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) in a meeting in which he highlighted that war has replaced the climate and natural disasters as the main cause of hambre3.
“Es para mi a regret, more ocho años después4 de la Cumbre2 Mundial de la Alimentación, we have to inform you again that we are making no progress in achieving the goals set in it (for the year 2015)”, said the FAO director to participate in the inaugural act of the 31st period of sessions of the Committee on Food Safety World.
He manifested, asimismo, that “la persistencia de los levees6 of malnutrition is charged a high price.” as an example of ello7 I mentioned the reduction of the ability to learn people, the ability to work and the reduction of tickets, among other things. “Each year that the hambre maintains its current rhythm.8 a loss of production that exceeds 500 thousand million dollars. The hambre undermines social and economic progress,” subrayó.
In a report given during the meeting, FAO indicated that, between 1992 and 2003, more than 35% of emergencies foodstuffs caused by conflicts and economic problems, compared to around 15% from 1986 to 1991.
The body indicates that 36 countries face a serious food shortage; 23 of them meet in Africa9, the most affected region, followed by Asia and Latin America. “Today, armed conflicts are the main cause of the world hambre, and the effects of HIV/AIDS and climate change in the estan muy10 behind,” says the FAO in the report.
The official manifests that, following the teachings of these countries in the reduction of the population, the priority absolute to reduce malnutrition and sustainable agricultural growth and increase production farmers.
The meeting of the Committee on World Food Security, held at the headquarters of the FAO, in Rome, attended more than 150 countries and the objective were to evaluate the progress in the fight against the hambre within the Milenio Development Objectives (MDG).
During four days, the participants will provide ideas and initiatives to advance towards the goal.11.
Text published in a Peruvian periodical, in May 2005. Adapted
The use of the male article before the noun "hambre" (ref.3) is justified because:
a) admits them of the male-female genders.
b) it is an ambiguous noun.
c) this avoids an unpleasant sound.
d) male gender.
Correct alternative: c) this avoids an unpleasant sound.
3. (UEA/2016)
Tobacco kills 166 men and 40 women each day in Spain
El Tobacco kills more people who _____ AIDS, _____ alcohol, _____ illegal drugs and _____ traffic accidents together. In a kind of slow collective suicide, the consumption of cigarettes caused in 2012 the death of more 60,500 people in Spain, 166 men and 40 women a day, according to a study directed by Eduardo Gutiérrez Abejón. More than 15% of deaths occurred in Spain are attributable to tobacco.
In his study, a paradoja appears: tobacco consumption is falling, but mortality is rising. In 1998, 36% of 16 year olds smoked daily. In 2012, the last year with data, the figure was reduced to 24% of smokers. Without embargo, in 1998 there were an estimated 55,600 deaths from tobacco use in Spain, about 5,000 less than now.
The increase in mortality, Signal Gutiérrez Abejón, would be explained by the recent incorporation of female population into addiction, captured by the aggressive campaigns of tobacconists. In 1998, las mujeres only represented 8% of los muertos. Now, one of every four killed by tobacco addiction is a woman. The study shows that the half of deaths take place in people aged 35 to 70 years. Smoking is linked to more than 25 diseases, but the highest mortality attributable to cigarettes is due to tumors of the trachea, bronchi and lungs.
(Manuel Ansede. Adapted.)
The gaps in the first paragraph of the text are filled, correctly and respectively, by the articles:
a) la – el – las – them.
b) el – el – las – them.
c) la – el – los – las.
d) el – la – las – them.
e) el – el – los – las.
Correct alternative: b) el – el – las – los.
4. (IFGO/2012) - adapted
Y the sea was and the name
y a last name el viento
and the nubes a body
y a soul and fuego.
La Tierra, nothing.
This movable realm,
las aguilas,
in la know.
never scribe his shadow
the figure of a man.
ALBERTI, Rafael. Available in:. Accessed on: Nov. 20 2011.
On the use of the male article in the word "soul", it may be decided that:
a) Only in plural ella es femenina.
b) It takes the male article because it empieza con la letter a.
d) Bring the male article by euphony, the sea, and a female word that empizes with tonic.
e) It takes the male article because the poet has poetic permission.
Correct alternative: d) Bring the male article for euphony, the sea, and a female word that empizes with tonic.
5. (PUC-RS/2016) Read the paragraph and select the correct words to complete the lagoons.
Sin duda _____ more beautiful in life, you decide, _____ feeling more bold and daring in life is the happiness that you _____ have been able to experience.
The words that correctly complete the lagoons are gathered in:
a) lo - el - one
b) lo - el - un
c) he - lo - one
d) he - he - one
e) lo - lo - un
Correct alternative: a) lo – el – uno
To improve your knowledge of the Spanish language, be sure to consult:
- false cognates in spanish
- months of the year in spanish
- Spanish verbs exercises
- Exercises on definite and indefinite articles in Spanish
- Main slang in Spanish (Spain and Latin America)
- Personal Pronouns in Spanish
- Possessive Pronouns in Spanish