Parnassian triad: authors of Parnassianism

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The Parnassian triad is how the group of three most prominent Brazilian Parnassian poets became known: Alberto Oliveira, Raimundo Correia and olavo bilac.

Parnassianism is a poetic literary school contemporary to Realism and Naturalism that was characterized by the idealization of "art for art".

parnassian triad
Parnassian triad: Alberto de Oliveira, Raimundo Corrêa and Olavo Bilac (from left to right)

Alberto de Oliveira

Considered a master of aesthetics, Alberto de Oliveira (1857-1937) was also known as the most perfect of Parnassian poets. He emphasized formal perfection in his poems, as well as rigid meter and painstaking language.

It is framed in Parnassianism from its second book, southern.

greek vase

This one, with golden reliefs, worked
Of divas hands, brilliant cup, one day,
Already to the gods to serve as tired,
Coming from Olympus, a new god served.

It was the poet of Teos who suspended it
So, now full, now empty,
The cup friendly to your fingers tinkle
All purple thatched petals.

Later... But the glasswork admires,

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Touch it, and, from the ear bringing it closer, to the edges
Thou shalt hear him fine, song and sweet,

Ignore voice, what if the old lyre
Were the enchanted music of the strings
What if that was Anacreon's voice.

Raimundo Correa

Raimundo Corrêa (1859-1911) is included in the school of Parnassianism from the book Symphonies. Before that, he acted as the author of Romanticism and showed a clear influence of Castro Alves and Gonçalves Dias.

Her favorite subjects are the formal perfection of objects and classical culture. He uses impressionist verses to sing about nature and is also marked by meditation poetry in which pessimism and disillusionment are characteristic.

the doves

The first awakened dove is gone...
There's another one... another one... finally dozens
From doves go from the doves, only
Bloody and fresh streak at dawn...

And in the afternoon, when the rigid nortada
Blow, to the lofts again, serene,
Fluttering the wings, shaking the feathers,
They all return in flocks and flocks...

Also from the hearts where they button,
Dreams, one by one, swiftly fly,
How the doves of the dovecotes fly;

In the blue of adolescence, the wings release,
Flee... But to the pigeons the doves return,
And they don't return to their hearts...

Olavo Bilac (1865-1918) had his career entirely framed in Parnassianism. He used elaborate language, with inversions of grammatical structure and search for metric perfection.

Literary production is in the works Penoplia, Milky Way, Bushes of Fire, Restless Soul, The Travels and Evening.

Milky Way

"Now (you shall say) to hear stars! Right
You've lost your mind!" I'll tell you, however,
That, to hear them, I often wake up
And I open the windows, pale with astonishment...

And we talked all night while
The Milky Way, like an open canopy,
Sparkles. And, when the sun comes, homesick and in tears,
I still look for them in the desert sky.

You will now say: "Crazy friend
What conversations with them? what a sense
Do you have what they say, when they're with you?"

And I will tell you: "Love to understand them!
Because only those who love can have heard
Able to hear and understand stars".

Complement your research by reading the articles:

  • Parnassianism
  • parnassian poetry
  • Characteristics of Parnassianism
  • Parnassianism in Brazil
  • Parnassianism in Portugal
  • Exercises on Parnassianism

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