THE Y generation or Millennials refers to individuals born after 1980 whose main hallmark is familiarity with technology.
Generation Y witnessed, in childhood, unique events such as the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union. In this way, they got to know the world of globalization and without ideological borders.
You millennials have more education and are considered more creative than later generations. They tend to be less prejudiced and open to new things and diversity.
However, they suffer from the consequences of separating the real and virtual worlds. They developed a digital identity, with selfies and profiles in social networks in order to try to establish your real identity. They transit across multiple apps to escape the loneliness they experience in the real world.
They prefer to Google the solution to a problem rather than asking parents and teachers. They know there are thousands of tutorials on the Internet that will be able to teach them everything quickly.
In this way, they created a real challenge for traditional brands and the media. You millennials understand that sometimes the press gives a false picture of reality and biased information.
Thus, the millennials they would not be different as some scholars claim, but rather distrustful of the social order, governments and established institutions.
Many entrepreneurs see the entry of millennials at the labor market with awe. This is because a myth has been created that Generation Y has difficulty accepting rules and recognizing authority.
At work, they prefer to be an entrepreneur rather than have a steady job in a large company or follow the civil service path. Likewise, they are more willing to emigrate than their parents' generation.
They are self-confident and guide their knowledge towards practical applications. As they have received a high level of education, they want to ascend quickly and expect their expectations to be met with the speed of a “click”.
That doesn't mean they don't work hard and aren't irresponsible.

Y and Z generation
In the wake of Generation Y, comes Generation Z, which comprises people born from 1995 to 2010. Nicknamed "digital natives", because since childhood they had all the computer technology around them.
This generation is characterized by speed, impatience and speed in seeking information. All of this can be harmful in the long run as educator and philosopher Mario Sérgio Cortella observes:
Patience is not slowness, it is the ability to let an idea, an affection, a project, a business, a study mature. Haste is different from speed: doing quickly is skill, doing hastily is a mistake.
How this generation will face the new challenges of the millennium is something we will soon know.
Generation Y in Brazil is made up of 8.3 million people. They are young people up to 35 years old, who live in large cities, have higher education and have an average income of R$ 3,000.00. Most of them live in the Southeast region, 63,7%; and the second place, with 14%, is in the Northeast region.
On the other hand, in the country we have the "Aspiracionais", young people who were born at the same time, but have only high school and an income of R$ 800.00. The vast majority reside in the North East Brazilian.
The gap between Generation Y and Aspirationals is yet another example of social inequality that Brazil cannot solve.
read more:
- Digital inclusion
- information society
- net modernity
- Internet history
- History and Evolution of Computers
- Sociology in Enem: what to study