Weapon Carriage: arguments for and against the new law

The issue of the possession and possession of weapons is being discussed in the country because of changes in legislation made by President Jair Bolsonaro.

In response to campaign promises, Bolsonaro, through presidential decrees, made the possession of weapons in Brazil more flexible.

Possession and possession of weapons in Brazil

shooting course
One person practices shooting

Before we begin, we need to define what possession and possession of weapons is.

  • Possession of weapons: right to own a firearm, but not to carry it.
  • Carrying weapons: permission to carry a weapon.

Possession of a weapon does not guarantee possession of the weapon. A person can have a firearm at home, but cannot carry a gun in the street, for example.

The possession and carrying of guns in Brazil has always been freed up for sport shooting practitioners, security and justice professionals, and for the rural population, among other categories.

Possession of weapons in Brazil

Anyone, as long as they meet certain requirements, can own up to six firearms. Some of these standards are:

  • fixed residence
  • be 25 years old
  • Certificate of "nothing appears" at the Federal Police
  • Not responding to any legal proceedings
  • Working
  • Psychological training report
  • Technical training report

With the approval of the Disarmament Statute, in 2003, the buyer had to declare for what purpose he would use that weapon. Now this is no longer necessary.

Jair Bolsonaro's presidential decree made the possession of weapons more flexible, but not the possession. The reason is simple: for this, the law must pass the National Congress, where it would probably be rejected.

Arguments in favor of gun ownership

The debate over the right to own guns is old in Brazil. Unlike the United States, where this right was earned at the same time that the country gained its independence, the possession and possession of weapons was not made easier for ordinary citizens.

Proponents of this practice argue that an armed citizen becomes a potential helper for the security forces in his region. If many have a weapon, the criminal would think twice before attacking someone, as their chances of getting away with it are reduced.

Likewise, the need for self-defense is alleged. Therefore, anyone can have a weapon in order to defend themselves, their property or their family.

There are those who remember the rights that the State may or may not restrict to its citizens. On this side, by denying the possession of a weapon, the State would be denying a consumer's right, since weapons are products like any other.

There is still the thesis that an armed population would be better able to defend itself from an attack by an army.

Finally, by facilitating access to firearms, armed people could be an obstacle for rulers who think about perpetuating themselves in power. After all, in possession of weapons, the people themselves would prevent this from happening.

Arguments against gun ownership

In 2003, the State of Disarmament was sanctioned, which made it even more difficult for the civilian population to acquire firearms. Two years later, Article 35 on the release of arms purchases was put to a plebiscite and the proposal was rejected.

Scholars who are against the release of gun ownership claim that the problem of violence stems from the profound social inequality in Brazil. Thus, gun ownership would not solve this issue.

Public safety experts warn that being unprepared to handle a weapon can be more lethal than not owning it. The sense of false security a weapon gives is dangerous.

With more guns in the home, the increase in femicide is feared, as crimes committed against women occur in the domestic sphere.

Likewise, many claim that Brazil would not be able to apply and monitor a possible increase in citizens owning firearms, due to the lack of specialized professionals.

Furthermore, this is an unpopular measure. According to a survey carried out by Datafolha, in December 2018, 61% of those interviewed declared themselves against the authorization to carry weapons.

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