Inconfidência Mineira: how it happened, causes and outcome

THE Mining Inconfidence was one of the most important colonial revolts that took place in Brazil during the period of Brazilian colonization. It was organized by the economic elite of the captaincy of Minas Gerais, which was dissatisfied with the high taxes levied by the Portuguese. The conspiracy was eventually denounced and those involved were penalized. The harshest punishment was given to Tiradentes, one of the main leaders of the revolt.

Also access: Understand why we celebrate Tiradentes Day on April 21st

Minas Gerais in the 18th century

At the beginning of the 18th century, the mining it became the most important activity in Brazil, and this made Minas Gerais the richest captaincy in the Brazilian territory. This captaincy developed, and huge cities sprang up, which resulted in a rapid urbanization Of region. The prosperity of Minas Gerais led Portugal to focus its attention on this captaincy.

Portugal's policy towards Minas Gerais began to erode, as the interests of the Portuguese Crown were distinct from those of the colony (Brazil). At the beginning of that century, some revolts had already taken place in Minas Gerais, but they had not yet had the separatist character that the Inconfidência Mineira had.

The relationship that was already bad got worse when the Portuguese decided to tighten fiscal policy (tax collection) for Minas Gerais. This happened in the 1750s, during the administration of the Marquis of Pombal, and it was directly related to the earthquake which destroyed Lisbon, the Portuguese capital, in 1755.

The reconstruction of Lisbon was financed with the resources obtained through the tax increase in Minas Gerais. This relationship continued to deteriorate over the following decades, and the moment of greatest tension was the 1780s.

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What was the cause of the Inconfidência Mineira?

The main reason that resulted in the Inconfidência Mineira was the dissatisfaction of the economic elite of Minas Gerais with the taxes charged by the Portuguese Crown. The conspiracy started in 1780s, but historians do not know the specific year in which it was initiated. Because of dissatisfaction with taxes, most of those involved in the revolt defended ideals of separatism and the transformation of Minas Gerais into a republic.

The critical moment happened when Luís da Cunha Meneses and ViscountinBarbacena they were governors of Minas Gerais. The first harmed the interests of the mining elite to the detriment of their own interests. The second implemented the spills, a mandatory collection of tax on gold.

The spill was the result of an order from Portugal. This type of charge was triggered as a way to achieve the annual quota of gold stipulated by Portugal – 100arrobas. This infuriated the mining elite because gold extraction was in decline at that time. With this, the preparations to start a revolt against Portugal were anticipated and scheduled for the day when the spill occurred.

In addition to the tax issue, the inconfidentes were also influenced by the enlightenment, which defended ideals such as human rights and their equality before the law. A large part of this elite had contact with the Enlightenment at the University of Coimbra, in Portugal.

How long did the Inconfidência Mineira last?

It is not known exactly how long the conspiracy existed, as, as mentioned, it is not known precisely when it was started. In any case, the secret conspiracy took place during much of the 1780s. The revolt itself never happened, as we will see in this text.

During the period when the conspiracy was underway, what was defended by the majority of the inconfidentes was the implantation of a republic in Minas Gerais in a similar way to the U.S, holding elections annually, incentive to economic diversification of Minas Gerias through manufacturing development, formation of a national militia, among other points.

The question of slavery there was not unanimity among the inconfidentes: some defended the abolition of slave labor, while others defended its maintenance. After the movement was started in Vila Rica, the Inconfidentes planned to spread it throughout Minas Gerais. The strategy to defeat Portugal was to impose a war of attrition that would harm the Portuguese economy, forcing the country to recognize the independence of Minas Gerais.

Vila Rica, now Ouro Preto, was the focus of the revolt against the Portuguese in the 18th century, the Inconfidência Mineira.

All of this was debated for years, and the adhesion of supporters to the Minas Gerais cause was widespread by the propagandist of the conspiracy: Tiradentes. He used his role as commander of the troop that monitored the road between Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais to spread the word.

Also access: Learn more about the separatist revolt that took place in Bahia at the end of the 18th century

Outcome of the Minas Inconfidência

The outcome of the Inconfidência Mineira for those conspiring against Portugal was tragic. The movement's preparations were advanced, but the conspiracy was eventually denounced before it started. Portugal was able to act and prevent the outbreak of the movement.

The governor of Minas Gerais, Visconde de Barbacena, received six complaints, but the main one was performed by JoaquimSilverioFromkings, one of the members of the conspiracy. Silverio was a landowner and mine owner who was part of the Minas Gerais elite, but had huge debts to the Portuguese Crown.

Silverio ended up being seduced by the possibility of putting an end to his debts by telling all the details he knew about the conspiracy to the Crown. In possession of valuable information, the Visconde de Barbacena canceled the spill and started the arrests and interrogations of the names that were denounced. On May 18, 1789, word began to spread that the conspiracy had been exposed and that everyone involved was in danger.

The prisoners' trial went on for three years. Among them was Tiradentes, who was arrested while in Rio de Janeiro. The sentence came out in April 1792, and the sentences were different: some were sentenced to expulsion from the colony and sent to Africa (exile), others were condemned to prisonperpetual and some were condemnedàdeath by hanging.

Among those sentenced to death by hanging, all were pardoned by the Queen of Portugal, d. Mary, except one person. Tiradentes was the only one who had his death penalty maintained and, therefore, he was hanged on the day April 21, 1792. Tiradentes also had his body dismembered and the parts scattered along the road that connected Rio de Janeiro to Vila Rica. The intent of this cruelty was to intimidate all who thought of conspiring against the Crown.

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