The story of the end of the Republic in Rome and the beginning of the Empire is also related to a love relationship between Marco Antonio and the pharaoh of Egypt, Cleopatra.
During the Second Triumvirate, Mark Antony had become commander of the eastern portion of the territories controlled by Rome. In this role, Marco Antônio began to identify more and more with the oriental culture, abandoning several of the Roman traditions.
In addition, Mark Antony allied himself politically with Queen Cleopatra and fell in love with her too. He carried out the so-called "Gifts of Alexandria", passing into the hands of Cleopatra and her children some eastern Roman provinces and others he intended to conquer.
Cleopatra's relationship with the Roman generals was ancient. She had supported Pompey and later became involved with Julio Cesar. With the support of the latter, she managed to become the Queen of Egypt and with him had a son, who was named Caesarion (or also Caesarion, or Caesarion).
With the death of Julius Caesar, Cleopatra withdrew from power for a time. But with the rise of Mark Antony in the East, the Egyptian came closer to the Roman. Their love relationship resulted in three children, who were later turned into kings of the eastern provinces of Rome.
After the defeat to otavio, Mark Antony was threatened in the city of Alexandria. In order not to be killed by enemy troops, he committed suicide, alongside Cleopatra, in 31 BC. Ç. With the concentration of power, Octavius began to persecute the descendants of Cleopatra and Marco Antonio, completely annihilating them.
With this, Octavius managed to transform Egypt again into a Roman province, ensuring power over the place.
By Tales Pinto
Master in History