Nazism, racist fascism. Nazism

O Nazism it was a political movement that originated in Germany in the 1920s. This move was the version racist of fascism, in which the Nordic people, including the Germans, would be superior to the other peoples of the world and, in this way, should dominate them. The main Nazi leader was adolf hitler (1889-1945) and his rise to political power in Germany in the 1930s created the conditions for the emergence of World War II, in 1939. The text that the reader now has access is intended to present in general lines the main characteristics of Nazism.

In 1917, Gottfried Feder created the German Combat League for the Destruction of Slavery by Juro, transformed in 1919 into the German Workers' Party. Hitler had approached this political group, and in April 1920 they changed the party's name to National Socialist Party of German Workers (NSDAP). In German the name was Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, and from the initials of the first word derives the term nazi. Hence referring to the National Socialists as Nazis.

One of the first actions of the Nazis was the attempt to seize power in the German state of Bavaria in 1923. As a small group, they were easily repressed by the repressive forces. Several of its members were arrested, among them Hitler. In prison, Hitler began to write a book that would be one of the foundations of the political conceptions of Nazism. The book My fight, published in 1925, exposed some of the main ideas of the social organization of Nazism.

There would be a need for the German people conquer the "living space", expanding the German territory to the east, towards Eastern Europe. The aim was to conquer the lands of the east to turn them into agricultural production lands to support the Nordic population, mainly because the Nazis considered the Slavs, peoples that inhabit this region, as an inferior race, as sub-men. The Germans would become the new masters, enslaving the Slav peoples.

The racist bias of Nazism also manifested itself against the Jews, also considered inferior, but unlike the Slavs, should not be enslaved, but excluded from the German territories. O anti-Semitism The Nazi was also part of the perspective of the superiority of the Nordic race, called by Hitler the Aryan race, in addition to the the fact that the Nazi leader pointed out the Jews as responsible for the economic and social crisis that was going through Germany in 1920 and 1930.

In order to guarantee the geographical expansion and the strengthening of the Nordic race, a centralized, authoritarian and strong State would be necessary to submit the other countries to the will of the Germans. A strong state would only be possible through a dictatorship, as liberal democratic regimes would be an obstacle to that goal.

These proposals would be justified as a result of the sanctions suffered by Germany in the Treaty of Versailles, as a result of the defeat in World War I. THE condemnation of the Versailles Treaty it was a way of fighting the humiliation suffered by the Germans.

The economic crisis of 1929 amplified the German problems and favored the strengthening of the Nazis. In the 1933 parliamentary elections, the Nazis won the largest number of votes and seats in the Reichstag, the German parliament, mainly through a nationalist discourse of social and economic improvements. The party's strength in the Reichstag secured Hitler the post of German chancellor, a function similar to that of a prime minister.

The Nazis were frontally opposed to the Communists and Socialists, who were seen as Jewish political movements. In February 1933, the Reichstatg was set on fire. Hitler blamed the communists and began to persecute them, making them illegal. In March of the same year, new elections were held, extending the power of the Nazis. This opened the way for the Nazi party to become the only one allowed in Germany.

The national flag was replaced by the Nazi flag, whose symbol was the gauntlet cross. The German state became the III Reich, or the Third German Empire. Hitler completed the centralization of power in his hands in the year 1934. From then on, he began to repress all discontent and create concentration camps and ghettos, where Jews and other groups considered inferior, such as gypsies, homosexuals and communists, should to live.

An intense process of strengthening the armed forces was initiated. In 1939, hitler invaded poland, starting the World War II. The Poles were also Slavs, like Russians and Ukrainians, and were the first peoples of the east European, considered by Hitler as racially inferior, to suffer the horrors of politics Nazi.

By Tales Pinto
Graduated in History

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