How to make a table. Tips on how to make a table

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THE table it is a structure that we use to organize data, which is information about a certain subject. These data can be qualitative (related to characteristics and attributions) or quantitative (referring to numerical values). The tables that have qualitative data work with information such as: hair color, animal they like, eye color, race, etc. The tables that have quantitative data inform: age, number of students in the classroom, report card grades, etc. There are tables with mixed characteristics, that is, with qualitative and quantitative information.

All table is formed by row and column, we call a cell the junction of rows and columns. It is in the cell that we insert the information, that is, the data. To indicate the number of rows and columns that a table has we use the following reference: Row x Columns.

Note the table below, in it we have 10 rows and 3 columns, that is, 10x3.

THE table must have a name, which will identify the subject of which the table brings information, and this must be informed in the first line.

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There are different types of table: prices, states and capitals, among others. Below is an example:

interpret the table it means knowing how to say what it is about and being able to make comparisons. About table above, we can make the following interpretation: The northern region has 7 states.

The tables are used as a reference for the construction of graphs that refer to the data that the table has. Charts can be of the type: Bars, Sectors/Pizza, Column, Lines and Areas.

The tools we use to build a table, manually, are: Colored pencils, eraser, ruler and writing pencil. It is also possible to use software to build them, when this occurs you will be using an environment for making electronic spreadsheets.

By Naysa Oliveira
Graduated in Mathematics
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