Brasilia capital of Brazil. JK and the construction of Brasília

In the 1950s, the process of modernization of the Brazilian economy was one of the key points of discussion in political circles and in Brazilian society. In fact, since the times of Getúlio Vargas, between 1930 and 1945, the industrialization process and The growth of cities was the result of a developmental policy led by the action of the government itself. Brazilian.

In 1956, this search for development and modernization took new directions with the arrival of Juscelino Kubitschek as president of Brazil. With modernization as one of its trademarks, JK, as he was better known, had the ambition of executing the project “50 years in 5”. According to that ambitious slogan, each year of his government would represent a ten-year advance in the nation's society and economy.

Often, this type of project is marked by the completion of major works and constructions that prove what is advertised. In JK's case, the transfer and construction of a new capital was one of his government's most notorious and impactful actions. However, the idea was not original. At various times, the move from the country's capital to the interior was considered.

To carry out this large-scale project, the Brazilian government delivered the project of public buildings and the layout of the new city in the hands of the architect Oscar Niemeyer and the urban planner Lucius Costa. Together, they developed a bold architectural project that contrasted with the old and traditional capitals found in Europe. Exploring curves and shapes, Brasília was something never seen before in the history of architecture.

Among the main buildings in the city we can highlight the National Congress, the Cathedral of Brasília and the Esplanada dos Ministérios. In addition, we can also highlight the city's design, organized in a cross shape and called Plano Piloto. Marked by large roads and large blocks, the city is organized into sectors that spread services in different parts of the city and an efficient address system.

Despite all the positive characteristics and the modern trait of the new capital, we cannot fail to point out the problems brought about by the emergence of the new city. First, we must highlight that the construction of Brasília required a large number of loans to carry out the work. As a result, the country's external debt increased a lot and ended up causing serious problems for the economy.

At the same time, it should be noted that the construction attracted a huge amount of workers. Once the constructions were completed, many of these workers ended up living in regions close to the capital, giving rise to several improvised cities that clashed with the original project intended for the region. Even today, the regions around Brasília are still a delicate problem to be solved by our authorities.

Weighing problems and qualities, we realize that Brasília is an important historical and architectural landmark in the country. Furthermore, its importance is reaffirmed by being the center from which important decisions that affect the lives of thousands of Brazilians come from. Thus, mixing modernity and politics in its origins, the capital becomes an important heritage to be recognized by all Brazilian citizens.

By Rainer Gonçalves Sousa
Kids School Collaborator
Graduated in History from the Federal University of Goiás - UFG
Master in History from the Federal University of Goiás - UFG

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