Immigrants and food in Brazil. History of immigrants and food in Brazil

Brazil is a multicultural nation, constituted by diverse cultures, diverse indigenous ethnicities, by the Portuguese colonizer, by blacks enslaved people who came from Africa, and in addition to these cultures we were also influenced by European and Asian immigrants who came to live in our country.

Before approaching the specific subject of the text - Immigrants and food in Brazil, let us clarify some fundamental concepts for understanding this subject. People who, for various reasons, leave their country to live in another are called emigrants. However, people who leave their country and arrive in another country, different from the one in which they were born, to live is called immigrant. Understand the difference between emigrant and immigrant? Let's take an example, João left Portugal, which is his country of origin, to Brazil, as João left Portugal, he is emigrant from Portugal, and when he arrived in Brazil, João became immigrant in Brazil, as it came from another country.

The word migrant also confuses people, who is a migrant is the person who changes location within the same country. Example: Raquel left the State of Bahia, where she was born, and went to live in the State of Rio de Janeiro, therefore, Raquel is a migrant in Rio de Janeiro, as she left her state and went to live in another, but within the same parents.

Clarified concepts, let's go ahead! The history of immigration in Brazil began in the 19th century. Between 1808 and 1850, the country received many immigrants. Many Portuguese and Swiss settled in Rio de Janeiro, many Germans went to live in southern Brazil.

Still in the 19th century and going into the first three decades of the 20th century, between 1850 and 1930, it was the period of greatest entry of immigrants in Brazil, most came to work on coffee farms (Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo), and also in the first industries Brazilian companies. The main immigrants who came to live in Brazil during this period were Italians, Germans, Spaniards, Syrian-Lebanese, Ukrainians and Japanese, many of whom formed the agricultural colonies in the south of the country.

The last phase of entry of immigrants is the current one, which began in 1930 until today, during this period there was a drop in the entry of immigrants into the country, however, those who arrived in the country. Brazil during this period and continue to arrive are from almost all parts of the world and the reasons that led and lead these immigrants to move to the country are varied. possible.

We are seeing that immigration to Brazil started at the beginning of the 20th century and continues to this day. Along with the immigrants who arrived here, many things came from the culture of their countries. We will highlight the cultural influence of immigrants on Brazilian food.

Italian immigrants were responsible for bringing pizza and soup, Germans brought beer, salted and smoked meats, potatoes, sausages and sausages, the Portuguese came with the bread, the Japanese influenced us to eat vegetables, vegetables and fish (also cultural heritage indigenous).

Food in Brazil has suffered and still suffers from several international culinary influences, however, the food of the Brazil began to undergo changes mainly in the early nineteenth century, with the influence of the first immigrants who They arrived. Currently, with globalization, we can taste the cuisine of various regions of the world in the very city where we live.

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