November 19 – Flag Day

O flag day in Brazil it is celebrated annually on November 19, being a commemorative date in allusion to the adoption of the current flag in force in our country. The current Brazilian flag was adopted on November 19, 1889, and its creation was a direct consequence of the Proclamation of the Republic, held five days earlier.

Accessalso: See more important details about the Brazilian flag

Proclamation of the Republic

As mentioned, the Brazil's current flag was the result of the Proclamation of the Republic, event that took place on November 15, 1889. In this event, the republic was instituted in Brazil and the previous form of government, the monarchy, was abandoned. The Proclamation of the Republic took place by military performanceand a group of civilians who banded together against the monarchical regime.

The most prominent group in this process were the military, who were dissatisfied with the monarchy since the end of the Paraguay War. they demanded salary improvements and in the career path

, and were contrary to the norm that prohibited them from expressing their political positions. Thus, the military embraced republicanism en masse.

The overthrow of the monarchy took place through a coup carried out on the date mentioned. Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca was persuaded to overthrow the ministerial cabinet and arrest the prime minister of Brazil, the Viscount of Ouro Preto. With the overthrow of the cabinet, political articulations led José do Patrocínio, on behalf of the republicans, to proclaim the republic in the country.

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Creation of the Brazilian flag

The current Brazilian flag was adopted on November 19, 1889, through a law enacted by the provisional government.

With the establishment of a new form of government, it was necessary for republicanism to seek to guarantee its legitimacy before the population. This legitimization of the republic by the population was a relationship that needed to be built through symbols, heroes, toponyms (names of public places) etc.

Therefore, the new regime needed to replace the old symbols that referred to the previous government to establish their values ​​in the population. One of the most important symbols that reinforces the acceptance of a regime and the feeling of nationality is the flagnational.

With that, one of the biggest efforts of the new government was to elaborate a new flag. Several models were proposed, but the project carried out in partnership by Raimundo Teixeira Mendes, Miguelwe read, ManuelPereirakings and Deciusvillages. The ratification of the adhesion to the new national flag took place through a law.

This law (Decree No. 4), issued on November 19, 1889, was drawn up by members of the provisional government that took over the country after the proclamation. Through it, it was stipulated that:

Art. 1O – The flag adopted by the Republic maintains the tradition of the old national colors — green and yellow — as follows: a yellow diamond on a green field, with the celestial sphere in the middle blue, crossed by a white zone, obliquely and descending from left to right, with the caption — Order and Progress — and dotted with twenty-one stars, among which that of the constellation of Cruzeiro do Sul, arranged in its astronomical situation, in terms of relative distance and size, representing the twenty States of the Republic and the Neutral Municipality […] |1|

Thus, through these words, it was defined that the national flag would keep some elements of the previous flag (the green background and the yellow diamond). This idea of ​​preserving the basic structure started from DeodorantgivesFonseca, being supported by BenjaminConstant, for example.

At the time of the move, the Empire Weapons symbol was replaced by a ballblue. Inside it were placed stars that represent the sky of Rio de Janeiro, observed on November 15, 1889. Finally, the positivist motto "Order and Progress”, written in a white band.

This flag, instituted in 1889, remains in force today, as already mentioned. The last change made to it occurred on May 11, 1992, when it was decided to include new stars. These then make reference to the new states of the federation: Amapá, Roraima, Rondônia and Tocantins.

Accessalso: Find out more details about the map of Brazil

flag day

Flag Day is a commemorative date, but it is nota national holiday. On November 19th, hoisting ceremonies the flag punctually at 12 noon and special solemnities are held, as stated in the Law No. 5,700, of September 1, 1971. On that day, some military units are also held responsible for incinerating flags in a poor state of preservation.


|1| Decree No. 4, of November 19, 1889. To access, click on here.

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