You african lions (panthera leo) they are animals magnificent and considered by many as the kings of the jungle. Those mammals, belonging to the Felidae Family, are found in the African savannas, mainly in east, south and west Africa.
They measure on average two meters in length and reach the weight of 270 kilos, being considered the second biggest cat in the world, second only to the tiger. They have a short brownish-yellow fur and a long tail that has a small amount of black hair at its tip.
These animals are able to run quickly, reaching about 80 km/h. When they catch their prey, they mainly attack the animal's neck, suffocating it. They have strong jaws and canine teeth measuring about 6 cm.
The male and female can be easily differentiated by the presence of the mane in males. In addition, male lions are larger and heavier than females.

They also stand out for having a social system, being the only cats that live in a group. This group, composed of 5 to 30 individuals, is led by a male or by groups of males. In this group are also found females, usually genetically related, and their offspring. The female offspring, most of the time, remain in the group until they become adults, while the males eventually go looking for another group to lead. The old males are usually expelled by the young ones and, due to the difficulty they have in hunting without the females, they end up attacking villages in order to steal food.

Males are responsible for defending the group's territory. To do this, they use strategies such as marking the area with urine and emitting a frightening roar to intimidate other lions who try to invade their territory. At females in the group have the role of hunters, usually working in a group in search of food. In addition to the role of hunters, females are responsible for caring for the young.
the lions are the great predators of the savannas, feeding on wildebeests, zebras, antelopes, among other animals. It is estimated that a female needs to eat about 5 kg of meat a day, while a male needs 7 kg. Despite this need, lions are not always happy in their hunt, and may go days without getting food. When they get good prey, they can eat up to 30 kg of meat at once.
Are lions threatened with extinction?
African lions are classified as vulnerable according to the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources), therefore at risk of extinction (Meet other endangered animals). This is due to the fact that these animals are frequently hunted, in addition to the constant decrease in their habitat. In some countries in Africa, it is no longer possible to find these beautiful animals, so investments in conservation projects are increasingly necessary.