Agreement of some words

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As we study the countless subjects contained in grammar, we occasionally find something related to agreement, which, as we know, is related to the act of agreeing, adjusting to something. In this way, we often see that the verb or adjective agrees with the noun to which it is closest. Shall we understand better?
Mariana studied.

The boys played football.

In the first example, the verb remained singular because the proper noun is represented by a person – in this case, Mariana (she).
In the second, the verb was inflected, that is, instead of being singular, it was expressed in the plural, since the noun was also in the plural, in this case, the boys (they).
Beautiful girl.

smart dogs

In the two sentences we have two adjectives, where each one agreed with the noun that accompanies it. In the first, it remained in the singular because “girl” was expressed in the singular.
In the second one, because there are many dogs together, they could only be smart, going to the plural.
But as you know, grammar brings us rules, but we should also know that there are some exceptions, but for now we won't study them. The important thing is that you know that these two examples reveal the concept, the general definition of what the agreement we make with the verb or with the noun (this name can be a noun, an adjective, article, pronoun or numeral).

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Now that we are experts in the subject, we will know how to make the agreement of some words that we use in our daily lives. So let's see what they are:
the photographs follow attached.
The document
Follow attachment.

The boy said thanks to the teacher.
Marcela said:
- Thanks, Mommy!

included in
The feeding it is included in the travel package.
this cookie is not included in on the shopping list.

They were samestudents last year that paid tribute to the director.
I do not believe! were the sameapologies usual?

Today I am quite tired / today I am quite concerned.
Did you notice that in both examples there was no change with regard to the word “medium”? This happens because in this case it plays the role of an adverb, remaining always invariant (cannot be inflected).
Now look at this other example:
we ate halfPizza.
In this case, the word “half” agreed with the noun “pizza”, both remaining in the feminine, as it is an adjective.
The same happens with this word, that is, when it plays the role of an adverb it remains invariable, such as:
I am quite happy / the boy is quite educated.
 Now, if it plays the role of an adjective, the word is inflected:

Were enoughpresentations during the event.
They are enough at opportunities that we have to take a walk on vacation.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Kids School Team
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