Praia Revolution: what it was, objectives, outcome

THE Revolutionbeach it was the last provincial rebellion that took place in Brazil, during the 19th century. This revolt was the result of dispute between praieiros and conservatives for power in the province of Pernambuco. This conflict lasted for two years and resulted in the weakening of the liberals in Brazilian politics.

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Historical context in Pernambuco

The Praieira Revolution was the last provincial rebellion that took place in Brazil during the monarchic period. this rebellion happened in second reign, at a time when Brazilian politics was accommodated with the way of governing the new emperor. this revolt happened inPernambuco, historically, one of the places of greatest political and social agitation in Brazil.

The country was undergoing major transformations, such as the weakening of the slave trade, the fruit of Bill Aberdeen. THE difficulty in obtaining enslaved workers it created a certain tension in the elites of Pernambuco, as there were not enough slaves for the demands of these elites and, mainly, because slaves were getting more and more expensive.

In addition, Pernambuco was facing a sceneryeconomicmuchbad, especially because the most important activity in the region – sugar production – was in decline. The problems of the local economy had the greatest impact on the province's impoverished population, who, on top of everything else, still suffered from the shortages, a problem that existed in Recife since colonization.

The dispute for power between praieiros and conservatives started the Praieira Revolution, an event that lasted from 1848 to 1850.

If the economic problems and the lack of food were not enough, the poor population of Pernambuco was also afflicted with the lack of jobs. This issue was resolved in a palliative way through public works that the conservatives carried out in the city, but during the beach administration, the works were interrupted and unemployment increased.

The explosive situation in Pernambuco was complete with the political scenario in which the country was living and which was reproduced there more intensely. At political disputes were a reality in Brazil, and liberals and conservatives did everything to remain in power, including using violence, see the case of the damn elections. This dispute took place in Rio de Janeiro, and in Pernambuco it gained a new element with the emergence of Brokenpraieiro.

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Beachers in power

The dispute between conservatives and liberals was not civilized, although a rotation was carried out between the parties. In the 1840s, the province of Pernambuco saw this relay happening, but the disagreements between opponents have not lost their strength.

In this province, a third way (very linked to the liberals) arose on account of the indispositions that existed within the oligarchies of Pernambuco. O beach party it arose through disagreements that arose within the Liberal Party, which involved the growing influence that the Cavalcanti family had in Pernambuco.

This family had three brothers elected senators, one of them – Holanda Cavalcanti, from the Liberal Party. The Cavalcanti still had numerous alliances, which made them truly powerful in Pernambuco politics. Because of that, the Liberal Party cracked.

The term praieiro that constituted the name of the party originated from the fact that its members got together and published their ideas in the Diário Novo newspaper, located at the time on Rua da Praia, in Recife. In 1844, the cycle of politics in Rio de Janeiro changed, and the liberals assumed power in the cabinet. The reflection of this was that, in Pernambuco, the conservatives weakened, and Antônio Pinto Chichorro, an ally of the liberals, was named president of the province in 1845.

With this appointment, the praieiros came to power and began a series of actions against their conservative opponents. Institutions in the province, such as the National Guard and the civil police, began to be equipped with people who supported the praieiros. Allies of the Conservatives began to be fired so that new people could be hired.

These hundreds of layoffs took place with the aim of end any political influence of Cavalcanti and conservatives. The allies of the praieiros who were invested in police and military positions began to be armed by the government, and investigations were launched in the province.

Conservatives began to have their properties invaded in order to disarm those who had been dismissed from the police and the National Guard. In addition, operations also sought to find runaway criminals and slaves. The purpose here was clear: harm all those who had a relationship with the conservatives..

The praieiros also acted to radicalizeThepopulation local, encouraging the growth of xenophobia against the Portuguese. Lack of employment was a serious problem, and the issue of retail trade (retail) began to be seen as crucial for new job openings to arise. The population of Recife began to consider the Portuguese who occupied these jobs in retail trade as the culprits for unemployment.

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November 1848 was when the Praieira Revolution began. The motivation was linked with the political dispute between praieiros and conservatives. In 1848, the cycle of liberals ended, and conservatives became the majority in the cabinet. This was reflected in Pernambuco, and the president of the province, Antônio Pinto Chichorro, was removed from office.

The result was that the conservatives' turn to govern the province returned and, with it, the conservative revenge was initiated. The dismissals of the praieiros from institutions such as the police and the National Guard began to take place, and soon the praieiros began to be disarmed, just as they had done with the Conservatives.

But the group of praieiros refused to disarm and be removed from office, and soon misunderstandings turned into small armed conflicts. These armed conflicts spread to the interior of the province and lasted until 1850, when the beach forces were definitively defeated.

The city of Recife came under attack by beach troops. This happened in February 1849 and, in this attack, Pedro Ivo, one of the beach leaders, took more than 1500 men to attack the provincial capital. The attack failed, and hundreds of beachgoers were killed. Another important name in this revolution was Borges da Fonseca, author of the praieiros manifesto, the Manifesto ao Mundo.

THE defeat of the praieiros it made the liberals weaken nationally. The liberal party only gained relevance again in the early 1860s.

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