Eye care

The eyes are the structures responsible for our eyesight, being, therefore, very important for our organism. We usually notice that something is not right with our eyes when we feel pain or when they are reddened. However, these signs show that these important organs have already suffered much damage.

Although we understand the importance of the eyes, many people do not take proper care of this important organ. Next, we are going to know some precautions that we must take in relation to these structures.

eye care

The use of computers, smartphones and televisions is more and more frequent and, with that, we leave our eyes focused on a device for a long time. This attitude can trigger headaches and eyestrain, and it is necessary to be careful with these actions.

It is essential to take breaks during the day, not leaving your eyes focused for too long. Ideally, let your eyes recover. Experts recommend that, from time to time, the person look to the horizon without focusing their vision. The recommendation is simple and must be done by at least five minutes daily.

Blinking is also important as it lubricates your eyes. Therefore, when you stay focused on an activity for a long time, remember to blink so that the impurities are removed and your eye works better.

Another important tip is to always wash your hands to work with your eyes, as dirty hands can trigger infections. In addition, when foreign particles fall, it is essential not to scratch the eye; if necessary, see an ophthalmologist.

Cosmetics also deserve attention. Expired products should never be used, and eye creams should be applied carefully and not too close to the corneas. Also remember to always remove excess makeup at the end of the day.

Although it doesn't seem like it, proper nutrition and physical exercise are also related to healthy eyes. However, it is important to pay attention if the exercises are performed outdoors, it is essential to protect the eyes from harmful effects of the sun wearing sunglasses when sunlight is high.

Another important point is always look for an ophthalmologist for periodic consultations. One çheck up preventive can help detect diseases early and prevent the problem from getting worse.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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