Federalist Revolution of 1893

Every change of political regime in the history of any civilization in the world has always been subject to challenges and revolts. In the case of Brazil, the passage from the Empire to the Republic, which took place on November 15, 1889, produced a wave of revolts against the republican order in the four corners of the country. You may have heard of the Warinstraws (occurred in Bahia) and in Revoltincontested (in Santa Catarina).

Well, added to the conflicts of that period, we also had the so-called RevolutionFederalist, which broke out in 1893, in Rio Grande do Sul, and expanded to Paraná and Santa Catarina.

In 1893, Brazil was under the command of the dictator Floriano Peixoto, the second president of Brazil and the last representative of the so-called "RepublicgivesSword".Peixoto, as well as a large part of the members of the Brazilian army at the time and the civilians who articulated the Republic, had a sympathy by the republican system shaped by positivist political ideals, that is, progressive conception of politics and executive system strong.

In Rio Grande do Sul, positivist ideas had fertile ground. Since 1889, several political disputes have revolved around positivism, mainly because of the way in which the republican leader from Rio Grande do Sul Julio de Castilhos he led the positivist campaign in that state, supported by the traditional elite of ranchers. Against Castilhos was the liberal leader, defender of the federalist ideal, Gaspar da Silveira Martins.

The federalist liberals challenged, above all, the State Constitution of Rio Grande do Sul, which suffocated the legislative power and gave the executive power a great deal of control. The conflict broke out at the end of 1893, when columns of maragatos (as the federalists were called) entered the state of Santa Catarina, joined the members of the Revoltgivesarmed and continued advancing in the South, invading the state of Paraná and taking the city of Curitiba.

The revolutionary attempt generated thousands of deaths, as the government of Peixoto assigned, in addition to the army, part of its allies from São Paulo, who had the Force fighters Public. The conflict continued until 1895, when the then civilian president PrudentinMorals managed to come to terms with the federalist revolutionaries.

*Image credits: commons

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