Roman influences today

The importance of Pomegranate as center of Western cultural diffusion it was such that to this day some features of the greatest Empire of Antiquity are still present.

At roman influences there are so many that we come across them every day. Or don't you know an Augusto, a Julio, a César, an Adriano, an Antônio? Or even you, who are reading this text, may have one of those names, which were from people who marked the history of Rome.

This is because of Rome's importance to the Western world. These are names that remained known over time and are used to this day. But it is not just the names that demonstrate the Roman influences in our current life.

The language we speak in Brazil, the Portuguese language we inherited from the colonizers, is a language derived from the language spoken in Rome: the Latin. Also derived from Latin are Spanish, French, Romanian and Italian.

Furthermore, Latin influenced numerous words in languages ​​such as English and German. Latin is also used to give the scientific names of plants and animals. The Catholic Church, which claims to be the heir of Rome, still has Latin as its official language. Not so long ago, masses were all celebrated in Latin.

We use Latin words to define some terms, mainly legal ones. It is the case of the habeas corpus. In this field of knowledge and social organization - legal science, the Western world was under intense Roman influence. Current legal codes are also Roman influence. You Roman Codes of Law they were built over time, adapting to the changes that occurred in the social relations of the population.

Statue of the Goddess of Justice in the Palace of Justice in Rome. Law was a great Roman influence on the West

The Roman Code of Laws was divided into:

  • Jus Naturale, or Natural Law, which presented the foundations of Roman law and the notion that the human being by nature had rights;

  • Civil Law, or Civil Law, a set of laws applied to the citizens of Rome;

  • Jus Gentium, or People's Law, applied to foreigners in a comprehensive set of laws that did not take nationalities into account.

The latter is the basis for International Law as we know it today. The notion of full private property also emerged with Roman law, which may also explain its updating in the current capitalist society, which has property as one of its pillars. toilet.

Lawyers in Rome had a lot of prestige, and over time, the profession underwent systematization in teaching. In the debates, lawyers sought to develop the oratory, which could later guarantee them important political functions.

This last point, the politics, also today suffers Roman influences. It is enough to reflect that terms such as republic, dictatorship, senate, plebiscite, consul and magistrate, for example, are of Roman origin.

By Me. Tales Pinto

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