Metamorphosis in animals. What is and how metamorphosis happens.

THE metamorphosis it happens in some animals and is a process of transformation of their body and way of life. Animals that undergo metamorphosis are molluscs, amphibians, some species of fish and insects.

Female animals that undergo metamorphosis lay their eggs in places they think are safe. After the eggs are laid, they will hatch and turn into larvae.

Figure 1. Caterpillars, the larval form of butterflies. Figure 2. Dengue mosquito larva
Figure 1. Caterpillars, the larval form of butterflies. Figure 2. Dengue mosquito larva

In the larval stage, the animal will feed a lot and may stay in this stage for days, or even months, depending on the species.

Dengue mosquito larvae are submerged in clean, still water and feed on organic matter contained in the place where they are. They can stay at this stage for days to weeks, depending on food supply and temperature. For these larvae, the hotter, the faster their development. After the larval stage, the dengue mosquito larvae enters the pupa stage.

In the case of butterflies, the caterpillar stage can last for months, or even a year. In this phase, the caterpillars feed on the parts of the plant where they are. They eat throughout the day, and sometimes even at night. After being fed and grown, they start to pupae.

Figure 2. Dengue mosquito larvae and pupae. Figure 2. butterfly pupa
Figure 2. Dengue mosquito larvae and pupae. Figure 2. butterfly pupa

In the pupa stage, the animal is at rest and does not feed. This phase can last from days to months, depending on the species.

It is in the pupae stage that the dengue mosquito evolves to the final stage of metamorphosis, and becomes a mosquito. In the dengue mosquito this transformation can happen in two or three days.

In the pupa stage, the butterfly can also be called a chrysalis. She stays in a cocoon as if she were wrapped in a leaf. The butterfly can stay at this stage from days to months, depending on the species.

The dengue mosquito, after leaving the pupa stage, remains floating in the water until its exoskeleton hardens. The adult dengue mosquito can live from 30 to 35 days.

In butterflies, after the pupa stage, the cocoon breaks off, leaving an adult butterfly, the imago, out of it. After leaving the cocoon, the butterfly waits a few hours for its wings to harden.

Figure 1. Butterfly. Figure 2. Dengue mosquito
Figure 1. Butterfly. Figure 2. Dengue mosquito

Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

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