Puberty: what is it, transformations, precocious puberty

THE puberty is a phase that usually occurs in the adolescence and is marked by several changes, since physical The psychosocial. It can be characterized as a period of biological maturation, as during this phase there are changes that lead to the transition to adulthood, or also, for the reproductive stage.

puberty and adolescence

Puberty usually starts in adolescence. Among girls, it can occur among eight and thirteen years old is on boys, between the nine and fourteen. The onset of puberty can vary due to influencing factors such as genetics it's the environment, in the latter one of the elements that most affect this phase is the nutrition.

THE adolescence it can be a very difficult period, because the various biological transformations that occur in this phase can also cause changes. psychosocial, thus affecting the entire organism of the individual and their social relations.

It is important for the teenager to seek help if they arise doubts about the transformations that are taking place in your organism, or if they arise

anguish, worries, fears and insecurities at this time of life.

Early puberty

THE early puberty is characterized by the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics before the eight years of age in girls and before nine years in boys, due to the increase in hormones sex in the blood in advance.

Among the factors that may be related to precocious puberty, we can highlight exposure to hormones or to some factor that causes the glands secret them in advance.

Some factors that may be related to changes in the functioning of the glands are substances present in pesticides is on plastics, like the bisphenol, present in some plastic packaging. If changes in the children's bodies are observed early, it is important to carry out a medical evaluation.

Transformations at puberty

Puberty is mainly characterized by the action of hormonessteroids, you sex hormones, in the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, like voice changes, breast growth in women, facial hair growth in boys, that is, characteristics not directly related to the reproductive system. But the changes go further. In general, they can also be observed:

  • the growth spurt, a phase in which there is an acceleration in the individual's growth;

  • increased skin oils, which can influence the appearance of acne;

  • increased sweating, which makes good hygiene important to avoid bad odors;

  • development of the cardiorespiratory system;

  • development of the reproductive system;

  • skeletal and muscular development, among other characteristics.

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During puberty, there is a milestone in women's lives, it is menarche, the first menstruation.

female puberty

As stated earlier, at puberty, the action of steroid hormones, responsible for the emergence of secondary sexual characteristics. In girls, these hormones are the estrogen and the progesterone.

The characteristics that emerge in this period are the breast enlargement, appearance of pubic hair, as well as the underarms, increased fat in the hip and breast region, among others.

It is important to note that it is during puberty that menarche occurs, that is, the first menstruation, which is a milestone in the woman's life and indicates that she has entered her reproductive stage.

The first menstruation usually occurs around twelve, thirteen years of age, however, this age may vary due to the influence of factors genetic, environmental and psychological.

Read too:female reproductive system

During puberty, an alteration in the male voice tone is observed, which becomes lower.

male puberty

Already in boys, the hormone steroid responsible for the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics is testosterone. The secondary characteristics that emerge at this stage are the increase in testicle volume,sperm production, emergence of pubic, axillary and facial hair; penis enlargement, in length and diameter; change at voice, becoming more severe. É also observed a increase in aggressiveness, development of muscle mass, among other features.

Read too:male reproductive system

It is also important to highlight that an increase in breast size can often be observed in boys, however, they regress spontaneously in most cases.

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