The importance of animals to humans

All animals are important. However, some stand out for humans, for being able to improve their lives, in certain aspects. Already others, for causing damage.
Horses, for example, are widely used as a means of transport. In addition, they help the farmer in heavier work, such as pulling carts and plows. already theoxen and cows, in addition to foods such as meat and milk, they can also provide us with leather.

Other animals are also used for food. They are: pigs, goats and chickens. The latter can produce eggs, a food that is on the menu of many people every day.
To the manufacture of clothing and fabrics in general, wool, usually taken from sheep, can be used. In addition, there is silk, made from the cocoons of a species of moth, called silkworm.

At beesthey are other animals that are very significant to us. They produce honey and propolis, widely used to fight and treat colds, flu and throat problems. In addition, when visiting different flowers, the bees carry in their bodies the pollen grain, helping in the reproduction of several plants

. This phenomenon is called pollination.
Pollination is done by many other animals. One of them is the bat. He is able to pollinate a huge number of vegetables. Also, as most of them feed on fruits, they they spread the seeds in various environments, causing new plants to be born.

Certain bats, as well as some amphibians and geckos, feed on many invertebrate animals, including mosquitoes that can cause disease. Thus, we can understand that these living beings, targets of prejudice, are also very important.
On the other hand, there are animals that, despite being necessary for the balance of nature, can cause problems. are they the ones capable of transmitting diseases such as cockroaches, rats and mosquitoes. They become a problem when there is their overpopulation, that is: when there are too many of them.

So that these animals do not harm us, it is necessary that some care be taken. One of them is not to leave accumulated garbage around the house or in the backyard. This is because it is a source of food and shelter for many of them. In addition, garbage can accumulate standing water, allowing some mosquitoes, such as dengue transmitters, to lay their eggs there.

By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education
Kids School Team

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