Editorial. Editorial Features

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In many of our meetings, you had the opportunity to see that different communicative circumstances that guide our life in society are different, right? Well then, we see that they do not exist by chance, on the contrary, each one of them is constituted of a purpose, of an intention, whether to affirm, persuade, entertain, instruct, in short... Thus, with this objective in mind, some are specifically aimed at the journalistic medium, that is, are published in newspapers and magazines, such as readers' letters, opinion articles, classifieds, among others. Based on this, we will get to know one more genre, also manifested in the same medium - the editorial.

He, in turn, expresses the opinion of the newspaper or magazine or even its editors on a certain subject, which is almost always controversial, that is, currently discussed. THEyes, precisely because this genus belongs to those whose nature is argumentative, that is, to constitute a discourse in which the sender, using the formal standard of language, aims to convince the interlocutor to believe what he is saying, we say that, in structural terms, he consists of the following parts:

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The editorial consists of an introduction, a development and a conclusion

* Introduction – This part usually portrays the main idea that will be discussed below. Thus, through a very careful reading of the first, if most of the second paragraph, we are able to detect about the subject in question;

* Development (editorial body) - In this part all arguments are exposed, justified by comments and opinions by the newspaper on the subject discussed;

* Conclusion - As the name itself indicates, it represents the closing of the ideas discussed above, that is, usually if present the appropriate solutions to the problem raised throughout the text, as well as, instead of being guided by this aspect, he can only enable the reader to reflect on the subject.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Editorial: features, how to do it, example

Editorial: features, how to do it, example

Editorial is a journalistic and opinionated text that serves to present the critical position of ...

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