Pediculosis. Pediculosis symptoms and treatment

Have you ever heard of pediculosis? This is a skin disease caused by an infestation of lice, which can be found on the head, body or genital area. In this text, we will deal with the scalp lice (pediculus humanus capitis).

THE pediculosis it is common in schoolchildren, and its transmission occurs through contact with an infected person. This can happen at school, when playing with friends, on public transport, among other places. It can also be transmitted through combs, caps, hats and pillowcases. Therefore, it is essential to avoid sharing these objects.

The louse feeds on the blood of the host and, when sucking it, causes itching and irritates the region. Usually, the itching starts behind the ear or in the back of the neck. In severe cases, there may be infection in the affected area, requiring a more careful medical evaluation.

For the diagnosis of pediculosis, just look at the scalp. Red and bruised regions may be indicative of the disease. Sometimes, balls damaged by the act of scratching, with the presence of blood, can appear. In more severe cases, patches of thick, dark skin may appear. The presence of nits, the brownish eggs of the lice, is proof of the infestation.

The treatment of pediculosis is based on the removal of the nits and death of the lice. It is important not to use kerosene to remove them as it can cause intoxication. In addition to this product, it is common for people to use alcohol, some plants and other homemade recipes, however, there is no scientific data to prove the effectiveness of these products.

When feeding on the host's blood, the louse can cause irritation.

For prevention, it is necessary to avoid contact with people who have lice or undergoing treatment, in addition to being It is important to use the fine-comb daily, as this prevents lice from reproducing, protecting themselves from large infections. It is important to emphasize that all family members must be treated. Children should be advised not to share objects such as combs, barrettes, caps and hats. Despite what many people think, the disease is not related to poor hygiene and low socioeconomic status.

It is worth remembering that lice can affect the patient's psychological condition, as they feel embarrassed around other people. In addition, the stress caused by the infection can impair performance in school and work activities.

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