Qatar: history, trivia, economy, World Cup 2022

Qatar, also called Qatar, is a country of eastAverage. It is officially known as a emirate, it is, therefore, a territory ruled by an emir (title of nobility equating to a prince in the West).

It is one of the countries morerichofworld, having in power the Al Thani family, reigning dynasty since 1825. The country's government is a monarchyconstitutional and at the same time a monarchyabsolutist.

THE tongue official in the country is Arabic, it's the English it is the second dominant language. The predominant religion in Qatar is the Islam, but there are also Christians, Hindus and Buddhists.

Qatar is located in the West Asia, being a peninsula (extension of land surrounded by water on almost all sides) covering an area of ​​11,610 km2 to the north of the Persian Gulf, bordering Saudi Arabia and separated from the country Bahrain by the gulf.

Know more:Diffusion of Arab Culture



Because military pressure and also to political issues, Qatar, in 1871, belonged to Ottoman rule. The disorder established in the Ottoman Empire, after losing battles in World War I, led to a decline in Ottoman rule in the Qatar region.

The Al Thani family gained the right of their successors to rule the country, granted by the United Kingdom and the Ottoman Empire. With its division, Qatar became a British protectorate in 1916. The country's independence from the United Kingdom occurred in 1971, becoming, then, a stateSovereign.

In the country, political parties are banned and there is no independent legislature. Another issue pertinent to the country is the parliamentary elections, which were not established, being postponed indefinitely.

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The biggest boost in Qatar's economy is the Petroleum, with its huge reserves. In 1974, Qatar Petroleum took over the exploration of fossil fuel, radically changing the country's economy, which previously did not have a great history of wealth. Prior to oil exploration, Qatar had fishing and pearl extraction as its economic source.

Currently, it is one of the richest countries in the world and, according to the Global Competitiveness Report, it is one of the nations with the lowest tax burden in the world. The economy is based, especially, on the export of oil and natural gas, which together represent around 50% of the Gross Domestic Product from the country.

According to the Economic Complexity Observatory, Qatar has a balancecommercialpositive with a balance of US$30.7 billion. This is because there are more exports than imports. The main products exported are petroleum, refined petroleum products and ethylene polymers. The most significant imports are planes, cars, helicopters and gas turbines.

The countries to which Qatar exports the most are:

  • South Korea

  • Japan

  • India

  • China

  • Singapore

The countries from which Qatar imports the most are:

  • UK

  • France

  • Germany

  • China

In 2017, the country exported around US$ 52.3 billion. Imports represented a total of US$ 21.6 billion in the same year.

Doha (capital of Qatar)

Doha is the capital of Qatar. Very urbanized city with high technological development.

THE capital from Qatar is the city of Doha. She is mainly known for the monumental constructions that inspire a lot of technological development and investment in infrastructure. The capital concentrates more than half of the country's population, with almost 1.5 million inhabitants. The district with the highest density in the city is Al Najada.

The city was founded in 1820 and declared the country's capital in 1971, when the emirate became independent. It is located in the eastern portion of the country and is bordered by the Persian Gulf. Manyeventsalreadywereperformed in the capital, such as the 2006 Asian Games, several Asian Cup games and the 2011 Pan-Arabic Games.

The call is in Doha "City of Education", an initiative of the Foundation of Qatar for Education, Science and Humanitarian Development, developed in 1997. This area aims to encourage research and education, with several university centers and research centers.

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Qatar is located over a region of lowland with the presence of dunes in several regions. Due to its location, the climate in the country is desert, which explains its high temperatures that vary throughout the year between 14ºC and 45ºC.

You summers are long and have very high temperatures between the months of May and September. Typically, the highest temperatures are recorded in the month of July. Between the months of December and March, temperatures drop, with an average of 26ºC.

Air humidity is low, as well as rainfall, which is scarce in summer. The rains usually occur in the transition to the cooler season.


The citizens of Qatar correspond to the smallest part of the population which is, in its majority, made up of foreigners. *

Qatar has approximately 2,743,901 inhabitants. Most of this population is made up of foreigners, around 75%. In 2013, just over 280,000 inhabitants were citizens of the country.

Indians represent the largest foreign community in the country. There are also Nepalese, Filipinos, Pakistanis and other nationalities. The government expects the country to reach the mark of 2.8 million inhabitants by the year 2020.

Most of the population of Qatar is urban. Approximately 90% of the inhabitants reside in urbanized areas. The country has good human development indices, measured by the Human Development Index (HDI), for example. The country has an HDI of 0.856, considered high.

Qatar in the World Cup

The World Cup will be held in Qatar in 2022.

Qatar will host the World Cup which will be held in 2022. However, the right to become a seat granted by FIFA, involved numerous controversies. Accusations of whistleblowing and corruption permeated this decision, as the country was accused of paying FIFA an amount to host the tournament.

The geographic issues of the country made changessignificant were taken to hold the event in Qatar. Due to the desert climate and temperatures that reach over 40°C, in the period when games usually take place, it was decided that the Cup it will be held between the months of November and December, when temperatures are milder.

Also know:World Cup History

Qatar Selection

With very little representation, Qatar does not have a national team with a tradition in football. There is no player in the Qatar national team known worldwide and no world titles.

The team became known in early 2019, with the victory in the Asian Cup against the Japan national team. This title was the cause of great celebrations in the country and also resulted in Qatar being called up for the Copa América based in Brazil in June 2019.

The richest country in the world is Qatar?

We can say that Qatar is the richest country in the world, when considering the productinternalgross divided by the number of inhabitants, known as incomepercapita. The country has a per capita income of approximately US$ 124,000 and a GDP of US$ 166 billion in the year 2017.

Curiosities about Qatar

There are some trivia and information you need to know about Qatar, for example:

  • Did you know living in Qatar about 800Brazilians? Brazilians are part of the foreigners who make up the country's population.

  • There is no visa requirement for Brazilians who wish to visit Qatar, so if you want to visit the country and watch the World Cup, make arrangements.

  • It's good to know that in the country the use of western clothing is allowed, but with restrictions. It is necessary to avoid wearing clothes that show the body too much.

  • Alcohol consumption is only allowed for Muslims and in private places.

  • The country's time zone is 6 hours ahead of Brasília time.

*Image credits: Abdelrahman Hassan/ Shutterstock

Qatar: history, geographic aspects, World Cup 2022

Qatar: history, geographic aspects, World Cup 2022

Qatar, or Qatar, is a country located in Western Asia, on the Arabian Peninsula (a peninsula is a...

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