Animal Kingdom Records

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There are different types of animals on our planet: some microscopic, others large, some fast, some extremely slow, some impressively strong, and some less strength. That the Animal Kingdom is awesome, there's no doubt about it, but do you know the top records for that kingdom?Now let's get to know impressive data about these living beings!

biggest animal on the planet

The biggest animal on the planet is the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus). This mammal reaches an impressive 30 meters in length and can weigh more than 160 tons.

tallest animal on the planet

The tallest animal on the planet is the giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis). Males of this species reach 5.5 meters in height, while females are 4.5 meters.

strongest animal on the planet

The strongest animal on the planet is the rhinoceros beetle (Oryctes rhinoceros). Despite its small size, it is capable of supporting the equivalent of 850 times its own weight.

The rhinoceros beetle is the strongest animal on the planet

fastest animal on the planet

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The fastest animal on the planet is a species of mite (Paratarsotomus macropalpis), which can travel a distance 322 times its length in one second. Previously, the cheetah was considered the fastest, reaching around 100 km/h. However, this mite is 20 times faster than the African feline.

most poisonous vertebrate animal on the planet

The most venomous vertebrate animal in the world is a species of frog called Phyllobates terribilis. Its poison is capable of killing ten adult men.

A Phyllobates terribilis it's the frog with the strongest venom

noisiest animal on the planet

The noisiest animal on the planet is the aforementioned blue whale. Its sound reaches 188 decibels and can be heard 800 km away.

Animal with the longest life expectancy on the planet

If you think that the animal with the longest life expectancy lives for 100 or 200 years, you are very wrong. The longest-lived animal on the planet is a jellyfish (turritopsis dohrnii) what never Dies, if not predated. She has the incredible ability to go back to being young again and again.

toughest animal on the planet

The most resistant animal on the planet is the tardigrade, a species of invertebrate. It is capable of withstanding temperatures ranging from -273ºC to 150ºC. In addition, it withstands 6,000 ATM pressure, 5000 gray of radiation, and lack of oxygen.

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