Why does it rain a lot in the Amazon?

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The Amazon region extends through the northern region of the country and several surrounding countries, which are Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana, French Guiana, Ecuador, Suriname and Bolivia. In the region where this forest is located, rainfall is very constant, reaching an average of 3000m to 6000m per year!

But why does it rain a lot in the Amazon?

The explanation for the high incidence of rain in the Amazon lies in a combination of factors, but mainly because of the existence of the forest itself, as this is responsible for the generation of a large amount of moisture in the atmosphere.

The type of rain that occurs in the Amazon is that of convection. It occurs by the rise of warm air (which is lighter) and by the descent of cold air (which is more heavy), with the interaction between them, the condensation of the generated humid air and the consequent formation of rains.

The process in which the Amazon rainforest generates a lot of moisture to the air is called evapotranspiration. Many trees in the region absorb a large amount of water from the soil and emit much of it into the air, as if it were a water pump. Thus, the greater the amount of water droplets in the form of vapor that are in the atmosphere, the greater the chances of rain. That's why the rains are more than frequent there.

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It is good to remember that it is not just the forest that generates this humid air for the Amazon region. This role is also performed by air masses coming from the Atlantic Ocean and moving towards the forest by some atmospheric currents that we call trade winds, from east to west.

Recent studies have shown that the forest is important not only for maintaining rainfall in the North region and, therefore, for supplying the region's watershed. Thanks to the phenomenon of "flying rivers", much of this generated moisture is transported by air masses to other regions of Brazil and the rest of the South American continent, causing rains in these places as well. Therefore, the destruction of this forest could generate serious climatic damage in this region and, probably, to other areas of the planet.

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