10 ways to preserve the environment

Protecting the environment is a task for all of us, regardless of our age. Helping is essential so that the next generations can enjoy everything that our planet offers, having access to fresh air, clean water and the variety of species that live here.

To protect the environment, it is not necessary to have a lot of money or to participate in an organization that fights for the planet, just want and do your part.

Below we'll list 10 things you can do in your daily life to help the planet!

See too:June 5 – Environment Day

10 ways to preserve the environment

It is essential that we protect the environment, as our lives depend on it.

1. Do not waste water

Have you thought about how much Water is it wasted when we take long baths or when we leave a leak in our house for days? Simple attitudes can avoid waste, like:

  • the reduction of bath time,

  • the use of water from the rain,

  • the reuse of water from the washing machine and

  • car wash using buckets of water instead of hoses.

2. Save energy

Is it really necessary to use the computer and leave the television on at the same time? Sometimes we turn on several electronic devices that will not be used, wasting unnecessary energy. Also, the light bulb is a big problem! Who has never left light bulbs on even though there is no one in the room?

Turn off unused devices, turning off the light, reducing the use of air conditioning and changing light bulbs for more economical ones are attitudes that can reduce energy consumption.

3. Don't buy products unnecessarily

Is changing the cell phone at each new release really necessary? Does that computer really need to be replaced? Sometimes we get carried away by consumerism and we buy a lot of useless things. With this, we have increased the manufacture of several products and lead to excessive and uncontrolled use of natural resources.

4. separate the trash

Separating organic waste from recyclable is essential for ensure the correct disposal of each product. Recycle one product is much better for the environment than making another, as we save natural resources and reduce waste on the planet.

Properly sorting the garbage helps a lot so that a lot of things are recycled.

5. Do not throw garbage on the streets

Throwing garbage in the streets cause:

  • pollution,

  • diseases and

  • growth of floods.

If there is no trash can nearby, keep the trash until you get home.

See too: 15 trivia about garbage

6. walk more

Automotive vehicles release a lot of pollutants to the atmosphere, therefore, it is essential, whenever possible, to choose to go on foot or perhaps by bicycle. Another alternative is to combine rides with friends or use public transport.

7. reuse

Sometimes we throw objects that could be used for other purposes in the trash. Be creative and avoid the increase in garbage on the planet.

8. Don't buy wild animals

Some wild animals are different and have incredible beauty, isn't it? However, these animals cannot always be traded. Those who buy animals without IBAMA registration can be fined or even imprisoned. Many of the animals that are sold without authorization come from animal trafficking, a practice that threatens a lot to biodiversity from the country.

9. Avoid using disposable products and plastic bags

The use of these products, although very practical, contributes to increased waste production. With regard to the use of plastic bags, when shopping, take your own cloth or canvas bag to avoid waste.

There are several replacement alternatives that can be used in place of plastic bags.

10. Review the tips!

Spreading knowledge about how to take care of nature helps to educate citizens who are more concerned about the environment. How about doing your part and passing on these ideas?

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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