Extensive and intensive farming

THE farming it is one of the main economic activities of today and, alongside mineral and plant extraction, it makes up almost all social practices in rural areas. Their methods and systems, however, are presented in different ways depending on the level of technological development of the places and conditions of the people who carry out this important activity.

For this reason, in terms of classification, we say that there is a difference between the extensive and intensive agriculture.

THE extensive farmingit is the one practiced using more traditional techniques and with low technological content. At agriculture, it is characterized by production with low investments and the employment of a large number of workers. At livestock, it occurs with the creation of free-range cattle and occupies a large amount of land, with lower productivity.

already the intensive farming it occurs in the opposite way, that is, advanced technological resources are used, which causes a lower need for workers in production, both in agriculture and livestock. The need for land occupation is lower, although it is more frequent in large properties, and productivity is quite high.

Example of cattle raising in extensive farming

Milk production in intensive agriculture, with technological resources and confinement

Extensive farming is usually practiced in less economically developed areas, usually in countries or regions where the advance of industry and urbanization is still recent or has not fully occurred. In the most modernized and industrialized regions, the use of high technology in intensive agriculture is more common, which includes the use of modern equipment, genetic improvements, use of satellites and many others resources.

By Me. Rodolfo Alves Pena

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