Have you ever stopped to ask yourself why we sweat or what our sweat is for? First you will find out where sweat comes from and then understand what its function is.
Sweat is produced by glands called sweat glands. They are found in the top layer of our skin and are distributed throughout our body, being found mainly on the palms of our hands, soles of our feet, underarms and face.
There are thousands of sweat glands on our skin.
The sweat glands produce sweat all the time, but when we are exercising, playing, or even in stressful situations, our bodies produce more sweat than normal. But why?
Sweat has the function of cooling our body when it is beyond its normal temperature. Our body's normal temperature is between 360C and 36.50C, and if it goes beyond that temperature, the sweat glands produce sweat so that the body doesn't get too hot. If the body becomes too hot, many problems can occur with our body.
When we play, our body heats up, so we sweat.
When we sweat, the body releases many substances such as water and even toxic substances. That's why it's so important to drink plenty of water when doing any activity that makes you sweat.
Sweat has no odor at all, but in some people it can sometimes be accompanied by an unpleasant smell in the armpits. This smell occurs because some bacteria begin to feed on sweat and dead skin cells. By digesting this “food,” the bacteria release a very bad odor known as ye-ye.
To keep the bad odor out of your armpits you need to use deodorants or antiperspirants.
By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology