Title, theme and paragraph. Title, theme and paragraph characteristics

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In order for us to be well understood in everything we write (or even when we speak), our ideas need to be clear and properly arranged, right? And one of the times when we practice writing is at the time of writing, a subject that for many people can seem difficult, a little boring, but in fact, contrary to what many people think, it is something very simple. In fact, we just need to develop some necessary skills that, in the end, everything works out and ends up turning out as we imagined. So, because it is important to develop these skills, from now on we will move on to learn a little more about three elements considered to be extremely important in the development of a text.

Are they: Title, Theme and Paragraph.

Title, Theme and Paragraph are elements of fundamental importance in textual construction

With regard to the first two, there are usually those who make a slight confusion between them. Hence the importance of knowing what the characteristics of each one are, so let's go to them?

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Imagine that your writing teacher's proposal is about the influence that technological resources currently exert on people. Therefore, we realized that this is a very broad subject, as these resources are many. Now imagine a different situation in which you had to talk about the negatives and positives of the Internet. Now, as you know, among the many resources that we are aware of, there it is... the Internet.

Therefore, starting from these two examples it is good to understand the difference between title and theme. In other words, the theme is characterized by being something broader, broader. You will notice this when you are taking tests related to the entrance exams that you will have to pass. In the Writing part, whose importance is such (that's why you need to be well prepared, ok?), there will be a portion of texts, some with images, graphics, and others not - all talking about a considered subject main. Therefore, we have that this subject refers to the theme.

The title, on the other hand, is defined as something more summarized, shorter, than in the case of the examples we have seen, the negatives and positives of the Internet represents it, that is, it is something specific that refers to a certain subject (which in this case is the theme). But what about the paragraphs? How important is it?

Now, for our ideas to present themselves more clearly they need to be organized, and do you know how that happens? Through paragraphs, which need to be well constructed so that the reader can easily understand what we are saying. Imagine how good it will be to hear someone complimenting our text, for sure we'll like it a lot, do you agree?

In this way, the paragraphs allow the other two elements to also be present: a cohesion and coherence. If the ideas are related to each other, where everything is “tied up”, we can say that your text is cohesive. And if that happens, of course there will also be coherence, that is, if your ideas made sense, your text will be coherent - something essential for textual production.

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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