Air. The components and importance of air, and the breathing process

That substance that passes through our nostrils when we breathe is called air.
The air cannot be touched, and it usually has no color, smell, or taste. It is made up of different gases. Nitrogen gas is the one that presents itself in larger quantities; then we have oxygen gas and carbon dioxide.

The main gases found in air.
The main gases found in air.

In addition to these substances and others, which are in smaller quantities, the air also contains water droplets, dust, and even particles of viruses, bacteria and other micro-organisms.
When we breathe, our nose filters particles and microorganisms that can harm our bodies. When they join the mucus produced there, they form the famous nose snot.
When we breathe, this air goes to the lungs, removing the oxygen gas, which is essential for our survival. (inspiration). Then, also through breathing, our body releases carbon dioxide and other unused air components (expiration).

The entry and exit of air.

Air is also important for several other reasons. Thanks to him:
- When moving, we can have a pleasant feeling of freshness;

- We can speak, since the sounds are formed by the contact of air with the vocal folds;
- Winds allow seed dispersal;
- Burning, for example, of a candle can occur (place a lighted candle in a closed container and observe what will happen in a short time, as in the image);
- Rains can be distributed;
- Sailors can sail without needing oars or motor;
- We can inflate balls, tires, buoys and balloons.

Without air, oxygen runs out, and the candle goes out.

When the air quality is not good, we can develop health problems. Diseases caused by microorganisms are an example. In this case, they usually occur when these living beings have not been filtered through the nose, or have gone into the body through the mouth. The smoke released by cars and industries can also cause problems, such as allergies and intoxication.
For these reasons we deserve quality air!

By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education
Kids School Team

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