O water cycle is essential to ensure that water circulates through the living beings and for the environment. This cycle allows water to be made available for various processes and, subsequently, it can be reused. Among the main processes that occur in the water cycle, we can highlight the evaporation of water due to sun action, the condensation of water vapor and the formation of clouds and precipitation.
Read more: Water: what it is, its importance for the human body and its distribution on the planet
Steps in the water cycle
THE solar energy it acts as a great engine for the occurrence of the water cycle. It is this energy that causes the evaporation of the water of rivers, lakes and oceans. The Sun also promotes perspiration of plants and animals. The water vapor released in these processes is in the atmosphere and ascends to higher layers. At high altitudes, the local temperature is lower, causing water vapor to condense and form clouds.
Contrary to what many people think, clouds are nothing more than small droplets of water. Over time, the cloud becomes more and more charged, until the water falls in the form of
rain (precipitation). It is also worth noting that water can be released in the form of snow or hail.The rain, when reaching the earth's surface, it can follow different path. Water can, for example, accumulate in rivers, lakes and oceans, and it also infiltrates the ground, becoming part of the linen underground.
The water present on the Earth's surface can also be used by living beings. Animals, for example, use it for their hydration. Plants, in turn, do so through their absorption by roots that have.
THE water used by these living beings returns to the environment later. In addition to perspiration, animals can return it to the environment through urine, feces, breathing and decomposition. Plants also release water through the perspiration, guttation (elimination of liquid water by the plant) and decomposition.
Importance of the water cycle
The water cycle is important because ensures that water is constantly circulating around our planet. Imagine, for example, that animals consumed it, but that it did not return to the medium. Over time, this important substance would no longer exist in our planet and consequently there would be no more life. As we know, water is essential for any living being, since it is part of your body's composition, helps in the transport of substances and participates in chemical reactions important.
Let's not forget that the water cycle is fundamental also for the economy. Energy production and agriculture, for example, are two branches of the economy that are extremely dependent on rain.
Read too: Conscious consumption of water – how can we have it?
Activity about the water cycle
Now that you've learned a little more about the water cycle, look at the drawing shown below and give it a try. identify the steps that are indicated by the numbers. The correct answer for each number will be presented after the drawing. You can also print and color it!
Did you manage to identify all processes? Check out the response to the proposed activity:
1- Condensation
2- Precipitation
3- Perspiration
4- Infiltration
5- Evaporation