China: economy, government, population, culture and curiosities

THE China is a country located in the Asian continent, specifically in East Asia. It's officially called China Popular Republic and is considered one of the oldest civilizations of the world. The country is the third largest of the world when it comes to territorial extension (land area) and also the more populous.

all about china

Official name

China Popular Republic

Official language



Beijing (beijing)


Communist Republic


Xi Jinping


9,596,961 km2



Demographic density

146.29 inhab/km2

Gross Domestic Product

$12.24 trillion




The Chinese government is represented by the Communist Republic, having as ruling party the Chinese Communist Party. This party has been at the head of the country since 1949, being the single party, what sets up a system one-party, which, legally, does not allow the existence of other parties.

Read too: What is communism?

Previously O political system in China was based on dynasties, like the Qing dynasty, which ruled the country for 268 years, being the last imperial dynasty. With the fall of this one, it was founded on

1911, the Republic of China, having as first president Sun Yat-sen.

In 1949, the Communist Party, through Mao Tse-Tung, established the People's Republic of China after the end of Chinese Civil War. at the moment the president of the People's Republic of China is Xi Jinping, who took office in 2013. In the year 2018, the Chinese government approved the lifetime term of the then president.

Know more:Maoism


China corresponds to second largest economy in the world, ordinary Gross Domestic Product of US$ 12.24 trillion, and represents the fastest growing economy in the last two decades. According to data from the Economic Complexity Observatory (OEC), the country represents the biggest export economy on the planet, having exported, in 2017, around US$ 2.41 trillion. The country mainly exports transmission equipment, digital disk drives, office machine parts, integrated circuits and telephones. The main export destinations are:

  • U.S

  • Japan

  • Germany

  • South Korea

With regard to the imports, the country imported, in 2017, around $1.4 trillion, guaranteeing the country a positive trade balance. The main imported products are: integrated circuits, crude, iron ores, cars and gold. The origins of exports are:

  • Asian countries

  • South Korea

  • Japan

  • U.S

  • Germany

Know more:Difference between export and import


China is the most populous country in the world.*

The Chinese configure one of the older civilizations, remnants of the plain in the north of the country, near the Yellow River. The formation of the Chinese people suffered influence of several other peoples.

The country is, today, the most populous in the world, with about 1.419.257.177 inhabitants, representing one-fifth of the world's population. Due to the large population contingent, China is concerned about decrease in birth rate. A policy aimed at family planning was implemented in the country having as one of the premises the "only child policy". The government believes that families should have only one child in order to seek stability in population growth.

The Chinese population is divided into Ethnic groups, especially the han ethnicity, biggest ethnic group in the world. Foreigners living in the country are from countries like South Korea, the U.S and Japan.

Know more: most populous countries


The official language in the country is the mandarin, and the writing Chinese is characterized by pictograms and ideograms, considered an art that represents concepts and not sounds, unlike most alphabets. The Chinese are also well known for gastronomy due to exotic menus they carry various spices. The country is also known for its beautiful landscapes, full of monuments and breathtaking architectural works. You temples tell the country's history and are frequently visited by foreigners.

Know more:The hardest languages ​​in the world

natural aspects

China has one of the largest territorial extensions and limited to 14 countries, like Pakistan, Vietnam, Russia, Mongolia and North Korea. The relief is characterized by the presence of plains alluvial, where there is a large concentration of population; in plateaus; and also from mountain ranges, like the Himalayas.

The country is considered one of the countries megadiverse, which correspond to the nations that present great biodiversity, and for that reason, the fauna and flora they are quite diverse and rich. The fauna representatives are, for example: horses, camels, leopard cat, giant panda, bears and wolves. The flora is represented by the coniferous forests and by the tropical florests.

However, the country coexists with large environmental problems aggravated by population increase. There is water shortage and intense pollution of water resources. The government has been studying measures to alleviate these problems, in order to seek a more sustainable economic development.

The country is currently leader in renewable energy technologies, much of the energy consumed in the country comes from renewable sources (energy sources that are not depleted in nature).

See too:What are energy sources?


Beijing is the capital of the People's Republic of China.

Beijing is the capital from China. However, the Chinese refer to the capital as beijing, due to Pinyin system, which regulates phonetic transcriptions from Mandarin to the Roman alphabet. In other words, in our alphabet, we speak Beijing, and in Chinese, beijing.

The city has received several names throughout its history, such as Zhongdu and beeping. The capital, located in the north of the country, is considered one of the metropolises with a greater concentration of inhabitants, with a population about, 21 million and 154 thousand inhabitants.


The flag of China represents the government and its people.
The flag of China represents the government and its people.

The flag of China is also known as five star red flag. THE biggest star represents the Communist Party of China, and the minors represent the chinese people. the choice of Red color is related to the 1949 Revolution, in which the People's Republic of China was established.


  1. In China is located the Great Wall of China, a fortification built, between 220 BC. Ç. and 206 a. C., by the then emperor of the country, Qing Shi Huang, with the aim of protecting it against possible invasions. The wall has more than 21 thousand km long and can be seen from the moon.

  2. There is a hierarchy when it comes to society. First are the older men; secondly, younger men; thirdly, older women; and, finally, younger women.

  3. In the country there is a limited degree of religious freedom, due to the communist government. Many Chinese are atheists, but part of the population is adept at Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism.

  4. China has as one of its main symbols the Dragon, which, according to chinese mythology, represents one of the four sacred animals summoned by the creator god of the world.

China map

*Image credits: testing / Shutterstock

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