Care with teeth

Our first set of teeth is formed from six months of age onwards, with baby teeth. These are born little by little, until the child has 20 of these temporary teeth.
Parents must take care of the baby's mouth, cleaning it, even without teeth. After the birth of these structures, they should encourage the child to brush them.
From the age of four, the baby teeth are replaced by permanent teeth. Adult dentition has up to 32 teeth.

Teeth tear, grind and mix food with saliva, so that they are used by our body, to satiate hunger and provide nutrients.
We should brush our teeth when waking up, after meals and before going to bed, as well as flossing. This prevents cavities, gum inflammation and bad breath (breath with bad smell).
Visiting a dentist is also important, as he is the professional who performs the necessary treatments, such as deep cleaning, fluoride application, caries treatment; and teaches you how to do the correct brushing.

Eating sweets and drinking soda is not good for your teeth, as the sugar from these foods is stored in your mouth, attracting bacteria. These

bacteria, when feeding on the residues that are on the teeth, release substances capable of corroding the teeth, that is, forming holes in them. Such holes are called cavities.

Having caries is very bad because the decayed tooth hurts, bothers us a lot and can be completely destroyed. Therefore, never forget the care you should take with your teeth!

The first toothbrush we know about was made by the Egyptians, over 5000 years ago. It was a frayed branch of a plant, and its fibers were rubbed against the teeth. The nylon bristle toothbrush, as we know it, was created in the United States in 1938.
By Jussara de Barros, educator
And Mariana Araguaia, biologist specializing in Environmental Education
Kids School Team

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