When we use the letter "h"

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Have you ever stopped to reflect on the characteristics referring to the letter “h”? Poor thing!!! It is not like the others as it has no sound. But is it for this reason that it has no value?
Quite the contrary, if it weren't for her, what would the hippopotamus be?

And the plane's propeller?

Did you notice that, even though it does not represent any sound, it is present in many words that we use in our daily lives? Well, what you need to know is that it does not represent any phoneme which, as you know, is the smallest sound element capable of distinguishing between the meaning of words, such as:

The phonemes /m/ and /d/ assigned different meanings to them.
Thus, the letter h is present in digraphs, such as, ch, lh, nh, in interjections, such as, for example, ah!, huh?, hum!, among others, and in some words, for etymological reasons (reasons that concern yours roots). Let's meet some?
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And many others!!!

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See how she's not that poor thing?
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Kids School Team

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