O Aedes aegypti is a mosquito with daytime habits that has a black color and small white spots and stripes all over its body. This little mosquito has been causing a stir due to the large number of diseases it is capable of transmitting, some that can even cause death. Do you know what these diseases are?
Dengue is, without a doubt, the disease transmitted by Aedes aegypti best known by the population. For this reason, the THE. aegypti became known in Brazil as dengue mosquito.
Dengue is a febrile illness caused by a virus that has four serotypes. It generally causes a high fever, which starts abruptly, headaches, aches and pains in the body and joints, pain in the eyes, weakness, skin blemishes and itching. In some people, vomiting, abdominal pain, bleeding and even death can occur.
Dengue has no specific treatment, being recommended only the use of products that relieve symptoms. The main recommendation is to rest and drink plenty of fluids.
Chikungunya is a viral disease also transmitted by mosquitoes. Aedes aegypti who arrived in Brazil in 2014. The name of this disease means "those who bend" and refers to the first patients diagnosed with the problem, in Tanzania, who bowed due to the pain caused by the virus.
The symptoms of chikungunya are very similar to dengue fever, such as high fever, headache, skin blemishes and body aches. However, the main difference is that chikungunya causes very severe pain in the joints.
Chikungunya is also a disease without specific treatment and, like dengue, only fever and body aches are treated. The recommendation to drink a lot of water and keep at rest is also indicated for this disease.
Zika is also a viral disease and arrived in Brazil in 2015. Its name was given in reference to the place where the virus was first identified: Zika Forest, Uganda.
Regarding symptoms, Zika is much milder than dengue and chikungunya, since 80% of patients do not have any clinical manifestations. When symptoms appear, they are low-grade fever, mild joint pain, spotting, and itching. There may also be redness in the eyes, swelling of the body, coughing and vomiting. Serious complications are rare, however, they can occur.
Zika stands out for its association with cases of microcephaly, a malformation that causes babies' brains to not develop properly. In addition, the disease is also related to Guillain-Barré Syndrome, which causes muscle weakness and muscle paralysis.
Zika is a disease without specific treatment, and only the body's control of pain and itching is recommended. Rest and fluid intake are also recommended.
Yellow fever is a serious disease caused by a virus and transmitted by mosquitoes. In forest areas, the main transmitter is the mosquito of the genus Haemagogus; in the urban area, the main vector is the Aedes aegypti. It is worth noting that urban yellow fever was eradicated in 1942, however, the wild form still occurs in our country. Given this eradication, the disease is little remembered when we talk about diseases transmitted by THE. aegypti.
Yellow fever causes a high fever, fatigue, body and headache pain, nausea, vomiting and chills in the patient. In more severe cases of the disease, the patient may develop liver and kidney problems, hemorrhages and jaundice (yellow skin and eyes). The severe form can cause death.
Yellow fever is also an untreated illness. The recommendation is rest and fluid intake. In severe cases, admission to the ICU and replacement of blood loss caused by bleeding may be necessary.