–isar and –izar terminations. Characteristics of -isar and -izar terminations

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As we know, there are primitive nouns, which are those that do not originate from any existing word in the Portuguese language; and the derivatives, which, as the name itself reveals, derive, originate from other words that already exist. So let's look at some examples?
The word “research” represents a noun. From it we can form other words, such as the word “to search”. But does she also receive the same rating?
Search represents an action and, as we know, one of the characteristics of verbs is precisely to represent these aspects. Thus, we are faced with a verb, whose ending is expressed by “–ar”, belonging to the 1st conjugation.

Did you notice anything else? Want a clue?
How did this same verb, which originated from another word, appear spelled? With s or z?
We realized that it remained with “s”.

The justification for this fact is that the primitive word contains “s”, which is why the words that derive from it will also be written in the same way. So let's get to know other examples:

When analyzing the word "symbol", we notice two very important elements:

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The first is that we can also form new words from it, such as the verb “to symbolize”. Another aspect is that this word has neither the letter "s" nor the letter "z". For this reason we will discover something sensational:
When in the primitive word there is no letter “s”, the words that derive from it will always be written with “z”. Shall we find this to be true?

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Kids School Team

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