Commensalism. Commensalism and the search for food

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As we all know, it's impossible to live if we don't relate. So it is with all living beings, who often need each other. These relationships can be good for everyone involved, or they can only favor one of them. They can also occur between individuals of the same species or of different species.

the commensalism is an ecological relationship that occurs between individuals of different species. In this relationship, one organism benefits and the other neither gains nor loses anything. This association occurs when a species is in food search.

O best known example of commensalism it is the one of the shark and the remoras. this last one fish it is attached to the shark's body and feeds on the food scraps that come out of its mouth. In addition to getting food, the remora also gets a ride.

Another example occurs between us and the vultures. Have you noticed the great presence of these animals in the dumps? They feed on the scraps of food thrown away by us. Hyenas also perform commensalism, as they feed on the remains left by carnivorous animals in the savannah.

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Vultures are often in places where there is a large amount of garbage
Vultures are often in places where there is a large amount of garbage

We realize, therefore, that in commensalism only one involved individual benefits. In the case of our examples, the remora, the vulture and the hyenas got their food. Did you also notice that none of the others involved were harmed.? The diners only feed on the leftovers that are not used by the others involved.

IMPORTANT:Some authors consider as commensalism another ecological relationship traditionally called inquilinism. These authors believe that commensalism is performed whenever two species interact and one is benefited without harming the other, regardless of whether the benefit is food or not.

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