Use of the pronoun you: recurrent or not?

Seeking to further enhance this discussion, it becomes feasible to resort to some considerations now attributed to the pronoun in reference (“you”). When it comes to people in the discourse, it represents the 2nd plural (with whom one speaks), alongside “you”, which represents the singularized form. Based on these principles, it is intended to determine whether the use of this pronoun is actually recurrent or not.

It is noticed that both pronouns (you and you) are increasingly extinct in the language of Brazilians. With regard to "you", it should be noted that he yet is present in some regions of the South and North of the country, however the predominance you get along more with the “you” form, especially in informal treatment. As for the use of “you”, the conclusion reached is that its use was restricted to literary language, the sayings of the Bible and some extremely formal speeches.

So, let us make sure of some considerations about the pronoun in question:

* The use of the singular pronoun “you”:

Even belonging to the pluralized category, “you” can be used referring to a single person, as we can see in one of Castro Alves' creations, entitled A D. Joana:

LADY, I give you verses, because I catch
A wild bouquet of flowers d'ahna
And it's verses the fragrant flora,
Which loneliness covers from my breast.

And you who love the burning parasite,
That opens like a sigh in May,
And the aroma that animates the red cup
— Perhaps from a fragrant soul rehearsal,

And this vague trembling of petals,
Which makes the flowers half butterflies,
The scarlet of presumed mallows,
The childish modesty of violets,

And this transparent and sweet language
That nature speaks in the meadows
By the voices of the sighing breezes,
Through the rosy mouth of the berets...

Today, in your party, in your day,
In the midst of your intimate loves...
Add these versas to the bouquets,
For verses of affection... they are also flowers!

* The use of the plural "you":

In order to illustrate this occurrence, let us focus on a Parnassian creation, under the authorship of the famous Olavo Bilac:

Milky Way

"Now (you shall say) to hear stars! Right
You've lost your mind!" And I'll tell you, however,
That, to hear them, I often wake up
And I open the windows, pale with astonishment...

And we talked all night while
The Milky Way, like an open canopy,
Sparkles. And, when the sun came, homesick and in tears,
I still look for them in the desert sky.

You will now say: "Mad friend!
What conversations with them? what a sense
Do you have what they say, when they're with you?"

And I will say to you: "Love to understand them!
Because only those who love can have heard
Able to hear and understand stars"

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

Source: Brazil School -

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