Life stages. The cycle and the three phases of human life

All living beings go through two stages of life: birth, which is when it begins; and death, which is when it ends. The period between birth and death varies a lot, depending on the species and several other factors, such as quality of life.
Mice, for example, usually live no longer than four years. Gorillas usually don't over 40; and humans, the 120 years.
We are used to considering that human life is divided into phases. The form of division varies a lot, but generally it is done like this:
- Childhood: is the phase that goes from birth to eleven years of age. It is a period of a lot of learning and news, as it is when we start to discover the world around us and the relationships between people; we start talking and walking, we usually start our studies, we learn rules and limits, etc. Here, we are very dependent on our parents and/or guardians.

Childhood: one of the stages of life.

- Adolescence: usually go from twelve to twenty years of age. In this phase, many transformations occur in the body and in our mind. In girls, the breasts develop, the body is rounded, the hips tend to be wider, and menstruation ensues. In boys, the voice starts to thicken – and sometimes, at the beginning of this change, it can be out of tune. In addition, the penis and testicles increase in size. In both there is the growth of the body, in general, and hair in the genital region and armpits. In boys, too, hairs can appear on the face, forming a beard and mustache. It is usually at this stage that people enter college, and also start dating.

Adolescence: one of the stages of life.

- Adulthood: we consider that the adult phase starts at twenty-one years of age. Here, the changes that occur in adolescence have already stabilized, and responsibility increases a lot. In many cases, the person is already financially independent, completely or partially; through work. It is usually at this stage that people tend to have children.

Adult stage: one of the phases of life.
Adult stage: one of the phases of life.

- Old age: also called third or best age. It is here, or a little earlier, that the hair begins to gray, the skin appears more wrinkled and, in many cases, especially in older age, some health problems arise. This is the stage when the person has more experience in life, being able to teach us many interesting things.

 Old age: one of the phases of life.
Old age: one of the phases of life.

A few years ago, the beginning of this phase was at the age of sixty: a time when many retired. Today, the World Health Organization states that we can consider old age starts from 75, as many of today's 60 and 65 year olds are still active in the labor market, and with good quality and life expectancy.
Between childhood and adolescence there is puberty, which is a transitional phase between them; when changes in the body begin, thanks to the action of some hormones.
The age group between 16 and 29 years old can be called youth, which is a transitional phase between adolescence and adulthood.
Women, between 35 and 65 years old, go through a transition called the climacteric, which is when the body begins to prepare itself for the end of menstruation: menopause.
By Mariana Araguaia
Biologist, specialist in Environmental Education
Kids School Team

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