The potentiation operation with natural exponent can be interpreted as a multiplication with equal factors. so be a real number The and a natural number no, such that no different from 0, the power ano is the multiplication of The by itself no times.
5 ³ = 5. 5. 5 = 125
20 ² = 20. 20 = 400
(- 4,3)² = (- 4,3). (- 4,3) = 18,49
The power with exponent 1 is equal to the base itself:
a¹ = a
250 ¹ = 250
(-49 )¹ = -49
The power based on a non-zero real number and zero exponent is equal to 1:
The0= 1
10000 = 1
Notice how to calculate a power with a negative integer exponent: Let be a real number The, with The other than 0 and an integer no, we have:

considering The as non-zero real number and m and no as whole numbers: to multiply powers of the same base, we keep the base and add the exponents:
To divide powers of the same base, we conserve the base and subtract the exponents:
Them : aN=a(m-n)
53: 52 = 5(3-2) = 51 = 5
To raise a power to an exponent, we conserve the base and multiply the exponents:
(Them)no = the(mn)
[(2)2]3 = (2)(23) = 26
by Camila Garcia
Graduated in Mathematics