Birds. Why aren't all birds birds?

Many people believe that all birds are birds, but this is very wrong becauseall birds are birds, but not all birds are birds!

At birds they are vertebrate and endothermic animals (they manage to maintain a constant body temperature), which have their forelimbs transformed into wings. Currently, numerous species of birds, and they are all sorted into orders. But what would an order in the animal kingdom be?

All animals in a class that have similar characteristics are grouped together, and this group is called order. In the case of birds, for example, parrots, macaws, parakeets, parrots, cockatoos, etc., are part of the same order (psittaciformes order), as they all have similar characteristics, such as wide head, short feet, curved and very resistant beak, etc.

Macaws and parakeets are part of the Psitacidae family.

already the birds that are part of Passerine order, well known as little birds or songbirds (singing birds) comprise more than half of all bird species. This family includes small and medium-sized birds, whose beak size varies according to the type of food. All birds gathered in the

Passerine order have the melodious singing; and only they can be called birds.

The birds that are part of the Passeriforme family are small and have a melodious song.

Each bird is part of a different order, so we cannot say that all birds are little birds, because, as we said before, little birds are only those birds that belong to the Passerine order.

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