Chilopods and diplopods are animals invertebrates belonging to the Phylum of Arthropods, the same phylum to which insects, crustaceans and arachnids belong. Like all animals in this phylum, chilopods and diplopods have a exoskeleton formed by chitin that gives them protection.
The main representatives of the kilopods are the centipedes and the centipedes. These animals have a pair of antennas it's the body divided into rings, with each ring coming out a pair of paws. Some kilopods they may have up to two hundred pairs of legs. Animals in this group are mainly seen in the night time and can be found in wet places, under logs, rotten leaves etc. You kilopods they are carnivorous animals and feed on worms, insects, worms and even small vertebrates like birds and rats. About 3,000 species of chilopods are currently known.
You kilopods have, right behind the head, stingers that serve to inject poison. This poison is deadly for small animals, but for man it is just painful.
You diplopods are represented by the embu or snake lice, like the chilopods, they have a pair of antennas and the body divided into rings, with two pairs of paws on each ring. There is diplopods which can have up to four hundred pairs of legs. These animals can be found in humid environments, under decaying leaves and trunks. They, unlike chilopods, are herbivores (they feed on vegetables). Currently, around 10,000 species of diplopods are known worldwide.
You diplopods do not have stingers, but their defense strategy is to curl up and stand still, Besides produce a bad smelling substance that serves to scare away their predators.
Snake lice curl up and become immobile when they feel threatened
By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology