Did you know that the voice ages?

Voice is a sound produced by the vibration of air that is taken from the lungs by the diaphragm and passes through the vocal cords, undergoing alterations influenced by the mouth, lips and tongue.

Like other parts of the body, the voice also ages. This aging is caused by the natural action of the development of the organism where there is a thickening of the vocal cords, a reduction in the movements of the joints, hormonal and emotional changes, bad habits, cartilage calcification, laryngeal muscle atrophy and loss of capacity pulmonary.

The period of best vocal performance is between 25 and 40 years of age, but there may be exceptions when you have good physical and psychological health, in addition to genetic, social, environmental and racial.

Vocal changes can also vary according to gender. Males tend to start the process of vocal alteration around 30 years of age, while males tend to start the process of vocal alteration around 30 years of age. Seed females begin this process around 50, when changes occur in the body due to menopause.

To prevent vocal aging or delay it, it is necessary to:

Use your voice correctly;
Drink at least two liters of water a day;
Avoid distilled beverages;
Avoid smoking and caffeine;
Avoid talking loud or softly, fast, unevenly and for a long time;
Avoid clearing your throat.

By Gabriela Cabral
Brazil School Team

Curiosities - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/voce-sabia-que-voz-envelhece.htm

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