Araucaria Forest. Characteristics of the Araucaria Forest

THEAraucaria Forest, also known as aciculifoliate forest, is a type of vegetation found in the southern region of the country. It is the forest that includes pine trees, walnut, mate, ipe, among other trees. It is popularly calledPine Forest.

Its characteristics and physiognomies are very different from other Brazilian forest formations. This is because this forest was formed in a colder climate and other soil conditions in the southern region.

The distribution of trees occurs more openly and spaced out, as pine trees do not allow any other trees to grow around them. Adult trees have few branches (branches), which are located in the highest part of the trees, which are usually tall, ranging from 25 to 30 meters. The reproductive structures are usually located on the outside of their branches.

The climate in the region is subtropical, with well-defined seasons, with a relatively harsh winter and rainfall above 1000 millimeters per year. Due to these climatic conditions, biodiversity in the region is low compared to other Brazilian forests, which does not diminish its importance.

The araucaria forest was found in large quantities in Brazil, but it is practically extinct nowadays, existing only in preservation areas. It is estimated that only 2% of its original vegetation remains. This is because most of its trees were exploited for the production of wood used in the manufacture of furniture. In addition, there was an intense deforestation of this forest for the implementation of agriculture and cattle raising.

By Rodolfo Alves Pena
Graduated in Geography

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