Reading the Maps. Learning to Read Maps

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To carry out the Reading the maps it is necessary to know, first, what is the vision adopted in their creation. The map is always a space of the earth seen from the sky, however, there are two ways this can be done.

there is the oblique view, which is a space on Earth viewed diagonally from the sky, as if the observer were above, but seeing a little from the side.

Aerial photo of the landscape in oblique view

And there is the vertical view, when space is seen from above, as if the observer were in a straight line. Maps are always in vertical view.

Example of a map in vertical view illustrating streets and avenues.

To understand the maps, it is also necessary to know the function and importance of the subtitles. They are very helpful in telling us what the meanings of symbols are on maps.

In addition to the subtitles, there is also the guidance of the map, which is responsible for showing which way the map is pointing. The map can be in a North, South, East or West direction.

And to tell us the size of the area that the map is indicating, we have the

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scale. It establishes the ratio between the actual size and the size of the area on the map. Scales can be small or large.

The higher the view of the viewer who builds the map, the smaller the scale and the larger the space represented. At small scales, maps show less surface detail.

Large scale map. A smaller area is represented

The lower the view of the viewer who builds the map, the larger the scale and the smaller the space represented. At larger scales, maps show more surface detail.

Small scale map. A larger area is represented

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