Meaning of Rebirth (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Renaissance or Renaissance is the name given to the movement of artistic, literary and scientific reform which originated in the 14th century in Italy and spread to the rest of Europe, being in force until the 16th century. This word also means the act of being reborn and can be synonymous with reformulation.

According to some authors, the Renaissance was a disruptive movement, which arose in opposition to the "cultural and intellectual darkness" seen in the Middle Ages. While some authors argued that the Renaissance was a movement of separation from many philosophies of the time medieval, others indicate that it was a movement of continuity and that it is therefore inevitably related to the Middle Ages.

During the Renaissance, Humanism emerged, replacing theocentrism (one of the characteristics of the Middle Ages) with anthropocentrism, which placed Man at the center of the universe.

Learn more about Humanism.

The Renaissance paved the way for the development of various artistic styles and philosophical currents. Some developed in accordance with the Renaissance, while others defined themselves by distance. This is the example of Baroque, a style opposed to the Renaissance (valued simplicity), characterized by exaggeration of decorations and grandeur.

Renaissance Characteristics

During the Renaissance, some characteristics were fundamental to compose the culture of the time.

The artists of the time highly valued the Greco-Roman culture. They thought that the Greeks and Romans had a complete and human view of nature, different from medieval men.

And because of that, the most valued qualities in human beings at the time were intelligence, knowledge and artistic gifts.

However, the greatest features of the renaissance were based on four main points:

  • At the Rationalism, where the Renaissance were convinced that reason was the only way to reach knowledge, and that everything could be explained by reason and science;
  • At the experimentalism, where for them all knowledge should be demonstrated through scientific experience;
  • At the Individualism, which starts from the principle of man knowing himself, seeking to assert his own personality, talents and satisfy his ambitions. This conception is based on the principle that the individual right would be above the collective right;
  • At the Anthropocentrism, which placed man as the supreme creation of God and as the center of the universe.

Learn more about Anthropocentrism.

cultural renaissance

In the field of art, the Renaissance meant the creation of new genres of painting and sculpture, to respond to the new tastes of society at that time.

The first manifestations in the artistic field appeared in Florence, Italy. Several architectural works were built that remain until today. In painting, Giotto was one of the first to follow this trend.

The most important names of the Renaissance in the artistic context were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Donatello and Rafaello, with several world-famous works of art.

literary renaissance

Philosophy and literature during the Renaissance were strongly marked by humanist strands, which placed Man in prominence in all areas.

Some of the best known Renaissance figures in the field of literature were Miguel de Cervantes (Castilian who made the connection between the Renaissance and Baroque), François Rabelais (France) and Luís de Camões (Portugal).

scientific renaissance

The renaissance was also marked by important scientific discoveries, especially in the areas of astronomy, physics, medicine, mathematics and geography.

One of the discoveries of the time was made by the Polish Nicolas Copernicus (1473 - 1543) in contesting the geocentric theory that the earth is not the center of the universe, but is simply a planet that revolves around the sun.

Galileo Galilei also stood out as an important scientist of the time, when he discovered Saturn's rings, the spots solar cells and the satellites of Jupiter, but he was persecuted and threatened by the Church, being forced to publicly deny his discoveries.

In medicine, knowledge advanced with works and experiments on blood circulation, cauterization processes and advances in anatomy.

Commercial and urban renaissance

The commercial and urban Renaissance took place in the Middle Ages, especially in some cities in Italy, and consisted of a set of factors that created new ways of thinking about the marketing of products.

The sale of these products was also responsible for the development of urban centers, where fairs were often organized.

Back then, when soldiers returned from expeditions, they often sold the spoils of war. Thus, merchants and a new class of society emerged: the bourgeoisie.

These wealthy merchants, known as patrons, started to invest in the arts, which increased the artistic and cultural development of the region. For this reason, Italy is known as the cradle of the Renaissance.

Learn more about Bourgeoisie and Characteristics of Humanism.

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