Diamonds, also called gemstones, are precious stones. formed by pure carbon atoms under crystallization conditions. It can be found on every surface of the Earth and has a high market value, being considered one of the most valuable precious stones.
To be marketed, the stone must go through a process that includes cutting and evaluation of its characteristics. Diamond is the most valued stone in the gemstone trade and its gemstone is used to make luxury jewelry.
As they are very resistant stones, they are also used in the industrial sector for excavation activities. Diamonds (both natural and synthetic) are used as drill bits, mainly in the excavation of gas and oil wells.

diamond origin
Diamond can be found on the Earth's surface, but it is not where it is formed. The stones have been around for billions of years and there are reports that their first appearances in nature took place in India, approximately 800 years before Christ.
The appearance of a diamond is the final result of a natural phenomenon that takes place in very deep regions of the Earth. The stones appear below the earth's mantle, by the union of two natural factors: a
pressure that exists below the earth and the concentration of high temperatures.Diamonds reach the Earth's surface from volcanic eruptions, although these eruptions are not the cause of their appearance. This is why, for a long time, it was believed that diamonds originated from active volcanoes.
diamond structure
The diamond is formed exclusively by pure carbon atoms (C), having no other substance in its constitution.
It is usually found in nature in cubic, 8-sided (octahedral) form. They can be found crystallized with up to 48 sides (hexaquisoctahedral form). The stones have a density of approximately 3.5 grams/cm3 and a refractive index of 2.4, which guarantees its intense shine.
Characteristics of a diamond
Diamond has some specific characteristics. See which are the main ones that can help identify this gemstone.
- It is one of the hardest and most resistant gemstones.
- When in sunlight it reflects the colors that were the rainbow: yellow, orange, red, blue, green, indigo and violet.
- It is the most brilliant gemstone.
- It is not scratched by any other material, just another diamond.
- They are natural conductors of electricity.
- Some types of diamond have the characteristic of reflecting under black light.
Diamond valuation
The market value of a diamond stone is defined by analyzing the following characteristics: level of purity, weight, type of cut and color.
The valuation method for diamonds is called the 4 C's: Color (color), Carat (weight), Clarity (purity) and Cut (cut).
stone color
The color of diamonds is the result of their contact, even in nature, with other substances. To analyze the color of the stone there is a scale that assesses the color of diamonds. This scale ranges from colorless diamonds to the highest color intensity ever found.
The scale is classified from the letters D to Z. D corresponds to colorless diamonds and Z corresponds to yellow ones.
The rarer the color of the stone, the more valuable the diamond. Colorless diamonds are the most easily found in nature. Diamonds in reddish tones are the rarest.
Red diamond is one of the rarest and most expensive.
stone weight
Weight is another characteristic analyzed to determine the diamond price. The stone's value will be proportional to its weight, which is measured in carats, which is equivalent to two grams.
Purity level
Assessing a diamond's purity is also critical in determining its value. To assess how pure a diamond is, characteristics such as stone quality, impurities and the existence of flaws in its surface are taken into account.
Type of cut and cut
The diamond cut is the way the stone was cut. Cutting brings shine to the stone, increasing the reflection characteristic of the colors that make up the rainbow. The better the cut work, the more value the diamond will have.
To check the quality of diamond cutting, two criteria are analyzed: a symmetry of proportions of the stone and the finishing from work. The more symmetrical and well-finished the diamond, the higher its price in the gemstone market.
diamond price
The value of a diamond varies according to the analysis of its characteristics. On the world market the average price of a carat of diamond is approximately 136 dollars.
O most expensive diamond sold cost 63 million dollars. It was a rough diamond stone weighing 813 carats.
O biggest diamond sold already weighed 1109 carats and sold for 53 million dollars.
artificial diamonds
The creation of artificial diamonds arose from the idea of taking advantage of the strength and durability characteristics of natural diamonds. In addition to reproducing these characteristics, artificial diamonds have the advantage of being cheaper compared to natural ones.
production methods
The most common method of producing diamonds is the chemical vapor deposition. Artificial stones can be produced from quartz that, in contact with chemical gas and carbon, decomposes and generates artificial diamonds.
Another, more recent method allows the creation of synthetic diamonds from a natural diamond stone. This process works like an incubator that, at high pressure, melts the diamond next to a graphite capsule. This technique transforms graphite into new synthetic diamond stones.
Diamonds in Brazil
Brazil was once a great diamond producer, but lost space to other countries in the extraction of the mineral. Nowadays, it is recovering space in this market, after the discovery of new diamond reserves.
Mato Grosso is currently responsible for approximately 87% of the country's diamond production. The state has about 150 mining regions.
Other states such as Amazonas, Bahia, Pará and Rondônia also have diamond mines, but in smaller quantities.
Also read the meanings of Precious stones and Quartz.