Meaning of Prerogative (What it is, Concept and Definition)

prerogative is the advantage of some people because they belong to a certain group. As the lawyer's prerogative, which corresponds to specific rights for lawyers, which other people do not benefit from.

One synonym of prerogative is privilege, or even advantage and privilege.

The term is widely used in law and politics. The prerogatives of function, whether mayor or president of the republic, are described by law.

O jurisdiction by function prerogative it is also called privileged forum, and designates the special conditions of judgment that certain public offices have to the detriment of their functions. For example, federal deputies accused of embezzlement cannot be tried by the common justice in first instance for having jurisdiction by prerogative of the function, and their processes are decided in the courts superiors.

Learn more about the meaning of Privileged forum.

According to the Brazilian Bar Association, OAB, the lawyer's prerogatives they exist not as privileges for the class, but to guarantee the exercise of the function with independence and inviolability, in the service of the citizens. Some of the prerogatives are contained in the Statute of the Lawyer, such as the absence of hierarchy and subordination between lawyers, magistrates and members of the Public Ministry, where everyone must be treated equally respect.

At prerogatives and subjections of the public administration correspond to the rights and duties of the Public Power. Just as the public administration has prerogatives, that is, rights that are exclusive to it and that change the way in which certain matters are dealt with legally in public cases, the State is also subject to duties and obligations that the private sector does not. It has.

The word prerogative comes from the Latin praerogativus, which means the one who was chosen to vote before. Historically, it was the custom to draw a group of people from among the Romans to vote before the others, and thus they would get rid of the queue, which makes this a privilege as we have in the modern notion of word. Comes from praerogare, which is formed by the terms prae, which means before, and beg, which is to manifest.

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