Meaning of Worship (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Worship is a set of rites that relate to the worship or homage to deities in any of their forms and in any religion, as well as to ancestors or other supernatural beings.

Worship is an adjective that qualifies a person who has culture, who is educated, civilized or informed, who has knowledge about various subjects.

They are synonymous with worship: homage, veneration, reverence, admiration, honor or illustration, literate and wise.

ecumenical worship

Ecumenical worship is a religious celebration held with the participation of representatives of different religions. It is understood as an approximation, a form of dialogue between different faiths in the same celebration. It is usually performed by a Catholic priest, an Evangelical pastor and a Spiritist representative.

Ecumenical worship is a very frequent celebration, as a form of thanksgiving, at various religious graduation ceremonies.

worship to God

In Christian practice, worship is man's encounter with God, which can be practiced individually or collectively. The main purpose of all who worship God is to adore him, it is also the time when the faithful seek to strengthen their faith and commitment to the teachings of the Lord, recognizing their wisdom.

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body cult

Body worship is the search for the perfect body, a practice increasingly intensified among men and women concerned with aesthetics and image.

The cult of the body leads people to make use of various resources related to fitness, including diet, exercise, beauty treatments and plastic surgery.

The cult of the body when taken as an obsession can turn into disorders such as anorexia, among women, and excess muscles, among men. Many still use anabolic, testosterone-derived drugs that damage their health.

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