Meaning of Lacraia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

The centipede is a poisonous animal (which has venom). is part of the phylum arthropod, animals that have a body without joints, and the family scolopendridiae.

It is also known as a centipede and usually lives in damp and dark places, such as holes, gardens, rocks, vases or places with garbage or debris deposits.

During the day they are less visible, being more common for them to come out of their hiding places at night. They are very agile in moving and attacking prey.

The body of centipedes is formed by several parts, called segments. Each of these parts has sharp paws. Centennials also have jaws, antennae, and stingers, which serve to pounce on their prey.

Centipedecentipede of the species scolopendra polymorpha.

Is the centipede poisonous?

Yes, the centipede is poisonous, for that reason it is classified as a poisonous animal. The bite of the centipede injects an amount of toxic poison into the prey, which contains a substance called histamine, which causes an inflammatory reaction in the body and is responsible for the pain, redness and feeling of swelling after the chopped.

But despite the toxicity, it is not very dangerous for humans and does not lead to death. The main symptoms after a centipede bite are swelling and redness at the site, pain, itching, vomiting, sweating and fever.

However, if the prey are other animals, especially small ones, the bite of the centipede can be fatal.

How does the centipede attack its prey?

The centipede perceives the presence of the prey through the sensitivity of its antennae. To attack it, attach it with the last pair of legs, which are located in the last segment of the body.

Soon after, it releases the venom, which can paralyze the prey or even kill it if it is a small animal.

What to do after a centipede bite?

After being bitten by a centipede, it is important to keep the area clean until the wound is completely healed.

To alleviate the itching sensation and swelling caused by the sting, warm compresses can be used.

Types of centipedes

It is estimated that there are between 2500 to 3000 different types of centipedes worldwide. In Brazil, 10 types have already been classified.

The most common species in the country are: Cryptops iheringi, Scolopendra subspinipes, Scolopendra viridicornis, Octocryptops ferrugineus and Otostigmus scabritail.

Centipedes can be divided into three major groups: common, giant or poisonous.

  • Ordinary: are the most easily found in homes and gardens as they live in humid places and basically feed on other animals of their size or on foliage.
  • Giant: it is a little rarer, it can attack and devour animals bigger than it. With its pair of jaws it manages to smash its prey in a short time.
  • poisonous: is the largest type found and can reach approximately 30 cm, depending on the species. The power of its venom is enough to kill small animals.


The centipedes can be carnivores or herbivores, that is, they can feed on small animals or on vegetables and foliage.

Among their favorite prey are insects, worms, lizards, slugs and baby birds or rats. Due to its toxic venom, the centipede is capable of attacking and digesting animals with sizes much larger than it.

They also feed on small plants or leaves. For this reason, they can be responsible for death or damage to gardens or plantations, if there is an infestation and proliferation of centipedes.

How to avoid centipedes?

To avoid the presence of centipedes in houses and gardens, some measures can be taken, especially the reduction of humidity in the environments. See other precautions that can help prevent the presence of these animals.

  • keep environments always clean and free of insects,
  • prevent the accumulation of objects, debris and dirt,
  • keep drains, sewers and other holes clean and plugged,
  • do not accumulate water in potted plants,
  • keep the grass trimmed and the gardens clean.
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